91-94 ground effects??? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91-94 ground effects???


Active Member
September 10, 2001
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City, State
Eastside, PA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 Explorer Sport 4wd
I just got my explorer back form having my x-spec bumper cover painted and it looks pretty good, i have looked around hundreds of places to find any other types of ground effect type perts for it like side skirts, etc. but have had no luck...actually i did find two decent ones form erebuni but now they are discontinued.
my question is does anyone know of any place to get some from??

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No one makes them. The closest you are gonna be able to get is running boards. I heard someone talking about putting ones from a 95 on an earlier model but I don't know if that would work or not.

You could always do what I did and buy some outdoor christmas type lights. There like a long strand of very bright LED's in a plastic toobe. Then wire that to a power inverter. Works very well, and cost very little.

umm, im not sure what you mean by christmas lights...when i said ground effects i meant like body kits and not lighting, sorry about the confusion. thnaks anywyas.

If you like mine.. contact LUND and find out if the still make em if so ask where you can get em.

click on my links to see pics

I called Erebuni and they said that they don't make the Explorer kit any more :(

hey what did your x spec bumper cover cost ?

I think the price was somehting around 229 dollars(not including oversized freight shipping). You can check at www.explorerexpress.com for more info about price and specs.

Stillen makes a full kit. at least they post one on their website.
they have other stuff too like 3 inch lowering coils and leaf springs. check it out

well as of 8-10 months ago it was discontinued... I called to try and get one and they no longer make one... all i wanted was the roll pan.... Later RacinJason

I dunno, maybe it's the color. But I don't think this is a very attractive ground effects kit. This is the Stillen one.


  • ka4250.jpg
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u can get the grille still from EE.... but stillen kit has been discontinued... I just want a damn roll pan... well now i need a new door and front fender too...

even if stilen didnt discontinue it, it wouldnt help me very much cause i have a 2dr sport, which will probbaly make it even harder to find any side or rear parts.

you know what i really hate??? whne you see a product on a site and you cal up to get info or order and they say its been discontinued...if its been discontinued then take it off the f-ing site!! both erebuni and stillen both have thier kits on their websites still. that feels better getting that out of my system, thanks.

jz098 - I AGREE!!!! The day I found the Erebuni kit, I called them up and they said it was discontinued and I was sooo pissed.

well I got thinking that I work in a sheet metal shop and that I could make a roll pan... Hell the shop next to us is a fiberglass body shop.... hummmm make a mold off of the sheet metal one and make a fiberglass one.. hummm.... BTW I got my limited front bumper cover for $30 yesterday.... Later Jason

I'd buy one! go with it!

Congrats on finally getting the bumper cover and if you decided to sell a roll pan I would buy one but I heard you have to cut the frame rails to make one fit tho.

Well I will check on the cutting of the frame rails... As for the roll pan I will see about what i can do on it.. depends on when my x goes in the shop to get front end fixed, got the door and fender hit... later RJ68

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