'91 blowing eec maxi fuse | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'91 blowing eec maxi fuse


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April 25, 2004
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'91 XLT
hope someone has had the same problem. the 40amp maxi fuse under the hood blows after the ignition is on for approx. 30 seconds (running or not).

if i pull the maxi fuse for the inside fuse panel the eec fuse wont blow but it wont start.

any suggestions or input is seriously appreciated.


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Sounds to me like you have a short somewhere.

Your ignition module might be fried....

its very common in the mustang world for the ign module to be fried.... especially the sn95 bodied stangs


jimabena74 said:
its very common in the mustang world for the ign module to be fried.... especially the sn95 bodied stangs

wow, never would of thought the ign module being fried since it runs....but hey, thanks for the suggestion, i will give that a try since i cant find any rubbed wires or feel any wires getting even warm in that 30 seconds of time.

will letcha know the outcome.... thanks for the input !!
