91 explorer transfer case and push button control | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 explorer transfer case and push button control

D F Willy

December 6, 1999
Reaction score
I've heard there has been problems with the four wheel drive on the 91 + 92 XLT's, I am experiencing one myself. the push buttons are pitiful, the four wheel high will engauge, and the light come on, but the four wheel low will never come on, although while driving the light will come on by itself sometimes. I've taken the transfer case off and cleaned and bent the contacts to where they should meet, but still it won't go into four wheel low. Does anyone know of an inexpensive solution to this problem.

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The transmission must be in neutral to engage 4 Low. Have you tried that?

I have Touch Drive on mine and I have taken it through deep water(over 30") a few times and thrashed on it in general without a failure. I think that Touch Drive is a lot better than its reputation would suggest.

Paul Gagnon
"No Brain, No Pain"
Dead Link Removed

My father and I both have '93 XLT's. He has had his since '92 (bought new) and I have had mine since April '99. Last year he was doin' some tough driving and hit the 4wd button, nothing happened. No 4wd at all. He took it to his local Ford dealer (he lives in Nevada and his "local" Ford dealer is in Mountain Home, ID) and they told him the motor that switches it into 4wd was stuck. They told him he needed a new one (approx. $600). They also told him that to prevent this from happening again he should put it into 4wd at least twice a month to keep all the parts moving so they dont freeze up again. Sounds like a good excuse to go play.... By the way, Carpoint also says this is a common problem in early Explorers (91-94).

[This message has been edited by KyleC (edited 12-09-1999).]

I know i am replying to my own problem, but i may have a solution from this page Dead Link Removed in this link it says that is the 4 wheel drive is improperly enguaged, it can have the motor inside the transfer case rotate slightly causing the four-wheel drive not to enguage, which could be my problem, i'm going to investigate this over winter vacation.

DF Willy,

Do you hear a "click" coming from the right side of the cargo area when you attempt to engage 4x4?

No, i don't hear a click, but it does click while i drive in 4 wheel drive, so i don't use it. Hopefully that link is the problem and will solve it.

I had the same problem with my 91 Explorer. It turns out that I had to push the clutch in while pressing the 4WD Low button on the dash.... Then feather out the clutch to see if it actually engages.

This is a common problem that I have solved on my Dad's 96 and my own 92. The electric motor at the rear of the xfer case is not properly turning to get the vehicle into/out of 4wd. I solved one problem by replacing this motor and solved my problem by dismantling the motor and simply cleaning the coppers on the rotor and the magnets on the stator. Great info on this at singletn@eng.umd.edu


I am having a similar problem with my '93 XLT. We just got hammered with snow and I went to pull out of my parking spot (after the plows had blocked me in with several feet of snow) and I tried to engage the 4-wheel drive system but nothing happened. The lights on the dash came on but the hubs never locked. Can someone please tell me if cleaning and/or realligning the transfer case motor does indeed work? All help is appreciated.


I still haven't completely solved my 4 wheel drive problem, but about 3 weeks ago, I changed my Rotors and brakes myself. I found out that on the right wheel the "assembly nut" (I think that's the name) for the automatic locking hubs was in about 7 pieces, and not in 1 whole assembly like on the left. Would this be causing a popping/grinding noise when 4 high is enguaged? If so, why would 4 low still not work?

Does anyone know the prices on a new set of assembly nuts?

Also I cleaned the motor assebly on the transfer case that enguages 4 wheel drive and still no difference has been made.

Let's see...

To engage the 4Lo you must be in park or neutral or on the clutch with a manual tranny. If you are not in park or neutral and push the 4lo button the light will flash until you get into park/neutral. there is a change that your Neutral start switch is dead. This is the switch in your tranny that tells if you are in neutral/park to start the truck or put the 4lo on.To check if that switch is working simply try to start you truck on D or R...
This switch is worth about 50$ but you can find one in a junkyard for 10$... Its easy to install(if you have the haynes book...).

You could also have a wiring problem... I had a ground problem on my Bronco II(wich is the same as the explorer...). Water was coming in from the windshield and the place where the 4x4 box was grounded rusted...No more ground...

Hope this Helps...

92 Sport 4X4
88 Bronco II 4X4

From what I can remember with mine, you have to be in neutral with your foot on the brake to get it to engage at all (light to come on). Once this happens, you have to drive about 10 feet to let the front wheels lock in. They are not locked in just by pushing the button.


91 XLT 4x4
