91 Transmission, No reverse. Dec 30. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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91 Transmission, No reverse. Dec 30.


December 30, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
Edmonton, ALberta
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 XLT
My auto transmission will not go into reverse?? I have forward gears, I have read alot of these threads and can not find a possible problem. I have sufficient auto mechanic skills, however the automatic transmission does "frighten" me some what.

If someone could point me in the right direction to solving this it would be much appreciated.

Thanks in advance

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Sounds like trans has given up the ghost...Read the thread about overdrive, and only have basic working knowledge. Sounds like the clutch packs for the reverse and overdrive gears are gone (reasonable if it has a lotta highway miles). Start it, parking brake on (in park) and pull the trans dipstick: obvious to tell if you have enough fluid, but also check the color (is it black/discolored?) or does it have a burned smell? Either one of those is quick diagnosis of something catastrophic.

Thanks, I figured catastrophy but was hoping for something less......

Anyways I will try.... there was no slipping or any problems with reverse until now, does that lead you to believe something different for the reverse clutch?

Again, let me rule out some obvious. Does the gearshift selector go into reverse? You press the accelerator and RPMs increase but no movement? Another possibility is that the fluid became contaminated (normal wear/excessive wear on overdrive clutch packs?) and that contamination is blocking the opening that permits the fluid to engage reverse...Either way not a solution to a nosed in truck and the end result will probably be the same.

Yes the gear shifter goes into reverse and the RPMs go up when i press the gas. I will go check fluid now..... I do check regularily and the dipstick is usually looking like the right color(translucent red like, you know the color :).... but I will make certain right now.

If fluid is right color (and remember - it can still be red but have a burned odor) then I would suspect possible a blocked opening.

Ok the transmission fluid looks like it just came out of the bottle. No particulate of any kind. When I shift from drive to reverse, the rpms do drop slightly, and "i can feel" there is something going on in the transmission.

out of curiousity, is there some way I can move this thing? I came up with putting in on a jack and pushing in back wards and repeating, so i can open my garage door and get it inside???

I would like to say I am a master mechanic, but all I know how to fix is what has broken before. Can you attempt to describe a burt odor? is it just how it sounds kind of "firey" smell? and would this smell show up after a few minutes of being on, in idle? (i can't drive it anywhere.)

Your neighbors will get a good laugh, but here it goes: When you pull dipstick out, put the moist end right up close to your nose. If the fluid has a burned odor, you will know it - trust me. Essentially, it would indicate overheating of the components within the trans. Its a little trick I learned while looking at cars as an appraiser.
Moving it? Jack might help, by you may as well put it in neutral and push - the tires will roll easier than the wheels on the jack. Chill some beer and call a friend.

The thing is I think it wont move in neutral... thats the wierd part... I cant figure out why it wouldnt move. Maybe it is "locked" in to drive or something???

Anyways I will get friends, maybe I just need more muscle, but I have moved it myself before. I will check dipstick again and get back later tonight. Thanks for the help and if you could check again tomorrow, incase I have any new "revelations" I would much apprieciate it, thanks again

Interested in how it turns out...As for tomorrow I'll try but fact is visiting the in-laws for the New Year festivities and unsure if I'll get a chance to check in. Best of luck and hope it is a good New Year for both of us....

Oh yes new years....... I forgot, to busy worrying about my truck, I may have to go buy a $500 beater, because this was my daily vehicle, well looks like I am gonna learn alot about transmissions really fast.

FunkMasterY2K said:
Oh yes new years....... I forgot, to busy worrying about my truck, I may have to go buy a $500 beater, because this was my daily vehicle, well looks like I am gonna learn alot about transmissions really fast.

Why don't you spend $500 on a tranny instead???

If i spend $500 bucks... from what I can tell from reading this, will it not just break again really soon? But yes I have definitly thought about doing just that.

It will not roll in nuetral??? It may be the gear selector linkage on the tranny is not moving properly. Tranny still thinks it's in Park?
