92 Tranny compatible with 94 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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92 Tranny compatible with 94 Explorer


Ole Bag
Moderator Emeritus
August 22, 1999
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Celina, Texas
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As the subject states. Should I be worried about trying to install a 1992 Transmission in my 1994 ford Explorer?
I know there are some tranny guru's out there.

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Do you know what the '92 transmission came out of? If the '92 was taken from behind another 4.0 L engine, it shouldn't be a problem. If it was taken from any other engine, it may not bolt up, or it may be built weaker than the 4.0 A4LD.

As Mrshorty ^ Said It Should Work As long as Its A 4.0 a4ld , But ive also heard that the 2.9 Fuel injected BII is the same a4ld as most first gens , just weaker I heard , Good Luck With the Swap !

Auto or manual? If it's an auto there might have been some slight improvements from '92 to '94 but otherwise it should work fine. If it's a manual then the clutch and stuff is actually different from '92 to '94, but the good news is you can just use all '93-94 stuff (master/slave/clutch/etc) on a '91-92 tranny.

After that the only thing you need to worry about is the higher mileage an older tranny usually has, but a working one beats a non-working one.

92 explorer to 94 explorer. Tranny was rebuilt 5 years ago on a project that hasnt beeen driven a mile. Thanks for the replies.

Yeah it should work fine , i replaced my blown trans from a 93 to a 91 , myself , but i also had to swap the torque converter and the bell housing also , my torque converter was shot , it was sharp on the end and my bushing in the bell housing was shot , so i just swapped them out and its fine , I made over 1000 mile trip from northern Il to Middle Ga ! Good Luck Trckmagik Glad to see you back !
