'93 Failed pre smog - catalytic converter? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'93 Failed pre smog - catalytic converter?


Elite Explorer
August 25, 1999
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, California
Year, Model & Trim Level
'93 Limited
My 93 Explorer with 217K miles just failed a California pre-smog test (the low rpm part - the high rpm part was OK). It wasn't hooked up to the State of CA database so I'm OK so far. It passed smog two years ago without a problem.

The repair shop which just did a service for me (changed the plugs, fuel filter, etc) said they believe the catalytic converter/s are plugged. They also said they got a strong smell of sulphur.

My smog test/registration is due in four days and I need HELP!!!

I don't want to have something replaced that doesn't need to be, and suggestions regards the smog test (test only in my case) are welcome. I want another 100K miles out of this Explorer - and I don't want the State of California to take it away. Thank for any help!

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Well a strong sulphur smell would indicate a bad cat. Catalytic convertors are expensive though so before you replace them I would take the truck to an exhaust shop and have them do a flow test on the cats. Then you will know for sure whether or not it's the cats.


Thanks guys for the info. I'll have the cats tested (two of them on Explorers = more $$), replaced if necessary and do those smog pass suggestions from the Ranger Station site article.

Wish me luck.

Thank for the updated info

As it turned out, my Explorer had clogged catalytic converters (aka cats) and they both needed to be replaced (you have to replace both as an assembly). I guess I shouldn't complain too much since I did get over 200K miles from them (mechanics I talked to said 100K is considered really good for cats). I also did the other suggestions after they were replaced and my Explorer passed smog easily. WHEW! Dodged another bullet.

Thanks everyone for the advice - it all helped.

As it turned out, my Explorer had clogged catalytic converters (aka cats) and they both needed to be replaced (you have to replace both as an assembly). I guess I shouldn't complain too much since I did get over 200K miles from them (mechanics I talked to said 100K is considered really good for cats). I also did the other suggestions after they were replaced and my Explorer passed smog easily. WHEW! Dodged another bullet.

Thanks everyone for the advice - it all helped.
You can replace both with a single aftermarket unit as well, it takes some fab work but it's a much cheaper option.

Also keep in mind that O2 sensors are "wear" items and need to be replaced occasionally. I replace mine no more than 100K. If you hook up a scan tool and watch them, or look at the cross counts, you can see them really slow down when they get a lot of miles on them.

By the way, what did you mean by "- and I don't want the State of California to take it away. "
