93 sport radius arm removal | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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93 sport radius arm removal


Well-Known Member
May 6, 2014
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washington state
Year, Model & Trim Level
91 ford explorer sport
Need to remove the radius arm, not doing the replacement shock mount so dont even suggest it;)

Rivets were removed and replaced with bolts by PO so that's done, do i have to remove the front axle shaft and the wheel assembly? Or can i just unbolt it without removing the wheel assembly and axle?

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Honestly, you really should just cut the head off a grade 8 bolt and weld it on. Removing the radius arm likely means removing the coil spring, sway bar bracket and more. You'd pretty much do everything to remove the axle beam except undo the axle pivot bolt.

You shouldn't have to remove the axle shaft, it'll slide around on it's own. The wheel should come off but the rotor, spindle and all that should be able to stay.

About how much would it cost to bring my ex to a shop to have it welded you think? I don't have access to a welder

Should be pretty cheap. You can drive it so you don't need a tow or anything. I had an aluminum crankcase crack TIG welded for $30-40 and that was difficult due to being soaked in oil. Took him probably a half hour to an hour to get a good penetrating weld. For that, it's steel on steel, easy. If you find a competent backyard mechanic, you'd probably square up for a case of beer.

Also, don't feel like it's a sub-par repair either. Mine was done that way and aside from being able to see the weld, you wouldn't know it. Strong, hasn't broken since and it's probably been 8 years. The shocks really don't care if it's even an inch off it's original location.

i ended up getting the shock mount in the help! section and had it welded in the front and bolted in the back with lock washers and loctite. its worked so far and ive hit some pretty nasty bumps lately
