'94 Sport - Rehab and Mod Project | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'94 Sport - Rehab and Mod Project


February 14, 2018
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1994 Explorer 4x4
I've been lurking a while and finally made a moment to post up this in-progress project...

It started as a #Gambler500 reason to pick a cheap rig and there' s potential for more!

First and foremost I want it to be trail worthy enough to make it out 500 rough miles and back... it's my first Ford to wrench on but not my first wrenching project by far.

Here's a photo blog I started to keep things in one place

[iframe] 94 Explorer - California Gambler Edition [/iframe]

Outside making it Gambler worthy, I think it might be a semi-overlanding project to keep up with my pre-running friends without spending a fortune if i can help it...

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I'll also post up and hopefully get some Q/A going to help this along as I only get about one day a week to really delve into it...

Current issue & possible solution:

The Automatic Hubs won't engage (2nd slide / video in the blog above) -- I read up the diagnosing threads and here's where I'm at... tell me if I'm aimed wrong?
  • Definitely the hubs issue here
  • Transfer case is engaging in low range and front shafts all turn when up on 4 jack stands. Front Hubs not engaging
  • Planning to brake clean / degrease / gasoline rinse / hot transmission fluid soak the front hubs
  • will report after cleaning the hubs/bearings.Until then, I won't know more
2nd item to fix are two leaks - looks like the Power steering reservoir sensor and a oil pressure or temp sensor are leaking - will pipe-dope them up and report back.

All auto hubs die. Most 1st gen hubs have died by now, yours hung in a good long time.
But time to convert to manual hubs. Especially if you're going to mod it into trailworthy.

All auto hubs die. Most 1st gen hubs have died by now, yours hung in a good long time.
But time to convert to manual hubs. Especially if you're going to mod it into trailworthy.

appreciate the nudge in the right direction .. it's inevitable that I might be stuck going with Manual hubs - I haven't had a chance to service these yet, but will try this afternoon or tomorrow to feel out how poor a shape they're in.

Since this is a cheapo Gambler build to begin with - I have to ask (something likely impractical)... has anyone modded auto-hub housings to make them manual? (IE drill a pin or something from the outside forcing the spline/collars together?)

Haven't ever heard of that. Here the link to all info on hubs Your Stock Auto/Manual hub info - Ranger / 91-94 X
It contains these links which may help you.


Haven't ever heard of that. Here the link to all info on hubs[...]

View attachment 157168

Thanks Bill! I'd come across some of those threads for info on how everything goes together - something I recall reading on the 91-94 years was that due to the transfer case being disengaged, I could theoretically leave the front locked at all times when running in 2H and just be sure to be stopped when going to 4H/L. Just thinking mechanically, is that possible? I know it's not best practice though, I don't plan to go that route.

However, since this will be more of a trail-only rig (again on the cheap), I'm tempted to run a welded rear diff for the gambler as I assume there's no LSD stock on the Sport model (or any model of that year I'd guess?)

Yes, true. With manual hubs, you could leave them locked forever if you wanted to. It would cause the whole front axle and front driveshaft to spin, but that's how most if not all 4x4s are nowadays, they don't have hubs to unlock! So no big deal, especially if you'll be off-road only.
You also should be able to shift into 4hi while driving, I think any speed under 45. Have to be dead stop for 4lo. If you have a glovebox manual, it will detail all that.

ILS was an option that year, and earlier. But if your Ex did come with a factory LS, it's so worn out by now that's it's essentially open diff.
