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95 XLT Lift


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March 20, 2006
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State College, PA
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95 XLT
I want to get a suspension lift for my 95 XLT 4x4, but I can't find any. Does anyone know of any existing kits, or if a 95 Ranger kit or 96 Explorer kit will work? Or will I have to hunt for individual parts?

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you need to search! theres body lifts, torition twists, shackles, add a leaf, ranger and explorer ifs kits, rcd lifts, solid axle swaps!!!

search...also the 95-01 explorer uses a completly diffrent suspension then the 93-97 ranger.

Yes, the 95-01 does use different susp. however, the only lift i found was a superlift 4" suspension kit, ranging from $2195-3,000... no body lifts available, as they only use 6 body mounts, and they tended to slide around on the frame... let me know if anyone knows of something other than this for so i can look to lifting mine :D

Trsil master used to make one, I dont recommend it. Super lift is the only other company making a sup. lift. As for the BL, use part PA853, it is the kit for the ranger. The only differences are that there will be two bolts left and you have to fab up the rear bumper brackets

How does the front get lifted? Can I get taller shocks to lift it???

shawn_grace said:
How does the front get lifted? Can I get taller shocks to lift it???
suspension? The kit comes with all the drop brackets, and I believe it comes with shocks. Basically you will bolt on a "subframe" in the front.

Will a 90-94 Explorer lift work on my 95?


you need to search there is the TT for a slight front lift then there is shackels for the rear or leafs......then there actually is a body lift you use the ranger kit for the 3 inch. then you use the 91-94 kit for the 2inch. Also dont exploers have 10 body mounts not 6(correct me if im wrong). and they dont slide around many members have body lifts on their trucks and i havnt heard one complaint.

How much modification would I have to do if I got a lift for a 96 and I wanted to put it on my 95?

Shouldnt be any mods. Call the guys at super lift. The will help out alot since they make the kit.

there are mods. The torsion plates need to be modified. Search around, there is a writeup.
