'97 spindle lift? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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'97 spindle lift?


New Member
March 28, 2005
Reaction score
City, State
Dallas, TX
Year, Model & Trim Level
'97 XLT
I have a pretty stock 97 XLT and i want to get about a 3 inch spindle lift and im curious about what fits and where i could find a good one (and if theres anything else i would need to have). I was looking at some of the spindle lifts at 4wheelparts since they could install it too and i didnt know if any of the Ranger ones work since they dont have one (at least not online) for my model. I was thinkin 31's on my stock rims? i dont want to go too big and have to get into engine/tranny mods.

I'd really appreciate any suggestions anyone might have. Also, anybody have pics of a 95-00 with a similar lift/tire combo?

Thanks a lot,

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stay put

id say stick with the one at 4wheel parts theyll prolly do the insalltion for u for pretty cheap

Matt yo bro
1999 xls 4x4

your truck is a 4x2 correct? if its 4x4 you cant do a spindle lift

really nice lookin explorer, swak6287. i'm actually in plano NE of Dallas.

and yep its a 2WD

kauff you are in plano? So am I. Where at? I'm at Mcdermott and custer.
