98 5.0 EB bank 1 sensor 1 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 5.0 EB bank 1 sensor 1


January 23, 2010
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1998 ford explorer
Hello everyone, havent posted in a while but i read here just about everyday.
Want to say thanks to the people who posted how to get the center console out with the least amount of hassel.

I was takiing the console out to get to bank 1 sensor 1, been having a slow response code thrown for about the last 1 1/2 yrs., also just noticed that im starting to get the same for bank 2 sensor 1. THe truck has about 160K. It time for inspection so i need to get this fixed. Truck has been running great since all the work i put into it last feb, getting about 16mpgs.

Anyway, my issue is that there is absolutly no way to get the 02 sensor socket on the sensor (bank 1 sensor 1) without either removing the lower trans line(at the trans, which would be a miracle also, also would have to bend or remove the trans fill tube), or i would have to drop the exhaust on passenger side. I have two different 02 sensor sockets, one tall, one is not, cant get either one on.

Is this something you guys run into when changing this sensor?

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Dont know if the exhaust on the explorer is stock or whether its been replaced before. Last year when removing the heads i wasnt able to reach the inboard exhaust manifold to exhaust pipe bolt, wasnt a big deal because i was able to rotate the manifold out of the way to get the head off.

Was not able to get that same bolt out this time either, and i wasnt going to remove the exhaust manifold for this 02 sensor either. I was able to get the outboard exhaust manifold bolt to exhaust pipe bolt out and pry back on the exhaust just a small amout and give the pipe some movement out away from the trans. I still ended up having to cut the access panel opening bigger with an angle grinder. Basically made to cuts on the passenger side of the transmission hump so i could fold the metal back some. Had to do this so i coud get two wrenches on the the lower trans line and remove it. Had the wife angle the 02 sensor socket on will i pryed the exhaust over away from the trans from under the truck. I did not cut the heat shield that protects the floor from the exhaust heat, was able to bend it out of the way. Folded the metal back that was cut to enlarge the access hole, acess cover held it down nice and taped it up.

Hope this helps someone in the future. (Bank 1 sensor 1 5.0l)

This was on my 2000:




I removed the easy ones from below, the ones up top I pulled the center console, and removed through the access panel through the tunnel.

I dont know how the 02 sensor is positioned on most of the 5.0l 's (bank 1 sensor1 ), but on this vehicle is was tilted toward the trans at about a 40 degree angle. If it was closer to straight up, would not have been a problem, and there was room for it to be in that position. Thats my luck.

Is that true that I need to remove the center console for replacing both sensors at Bank1? Can I just reach Bank2 Sensor2 from below the truck? I have replaced Bank2 Sensor 1 which is the easiest. BY the way, I am riding 98 EB V8. Thanks!

You don't HAVE to remove the console to unplug the sensors on my `97 5.0L or `98 5.0L.

It is just a bit difficult to see them....you can't see the passenger side Upstream connector, but you can easily reach up there and un plug it.


THanks, I will try to reach it that this weekend.

Yes, the Bank 1 sensor 1 is a real PITA to get off with the O2 socket because there just isn't enough clearance. I bought a crowfoot wrench to use with a socket and extension for this purpose. You can do it without removing anything.
Tip: Remove the console, be at the point that you are ready to remove the sensor, then start the car and let run 60 seconds then shut off engine. Makes it much easier to remove sensor.

I tried to replace B1S1 for my 98 EB 5L v8 and it took me about 3 hours. The space is so small and I couldn't use anything from under the truck. I couldn't even use the crowfoot wrench because there are too many objects surrounding it. Finally I removed the center console and used a crowfoot wrench with extention socket bar shown below. Two pictures below. One shows the configuration of the extention bar and the crowfoot wrench. The other one shows how this is used from inside the cabin.



Your way to get the sensor out could be different depends on how the sensor was installed. If you are lucky, you may able to use the crowfoot wrench directly from under the truck but it is really tight there.

98 EB bank 1 sensor 1

I'm sorry I wasn't clearer on my explanation. You are right, you have to remove the center console to access 3 of the O2 sensors, including Bank 1 Sensor 1. Only the Bank 2 Sensor 1 can be accessed from underneath on the drivers side.
I was actually answering the first person (rlp71068) who asked whether the exhaust had to be removed on the passenger side, or if the lower transmission line needed to be removed to get to the sensor.
Also, if you tried to use the O2 socket to remove bank1 sensor 1, it is a very tight fit. The crow's foot works much better.
I can't imagine what the dealer charges for changing out an O2 sensor. Anybody know?

No, worry. I figured it out. I was scraching my head in trying to understanding what you stated about 'You can do it without removing anything.' But later you also mentioned 'remove the console'. So I finally decided to remove the console. This is the first time for me to remove the console. Next time, it will not taking much time.

by chance do you remember what size wrench you used that fit B1S1?

I think that is 7/8 inch. The reason is that I brought a set a wrench heads from 1/4 to 15/16 for this job. The one marked as 7/8 seems to be used.
