98 body lift? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 body lift?


August 3, 2004
Reaction score
City, State
hyattsville MD
Year, Model & Trim Level
'98 Sport
Does anyone know where I can find a body lift kit for my 98 explorer sport?
I can find body lifts for almost every other year but i dont know what the deal is with 98's?

im lookin for about a 3 or 4 inch lift, you know enough that i can shove some big tires under there and it will look nice.

Im pretty new to it all and i dont have any money so thats why im waiting for any kind of suspension lift.

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I had the same problem with my 98 sport, i didnt get it afterall cuz i ran out of money. good thing is, they make em somewhere but theyre hard to find, im sure someone on here will tell you. also, when theyre done, they look freakin sweeeeet, and well worth it. good luck man

4squared said:
Does anyone know where I can find a body lift kit for my 98 explorer sport?
I can find body lifts for almost every other year but i dont know what the deal is with 98's?

im lookin for about a 3 or 4 inch lift, you know enough that i can shove some big tires under there and it will look nice.

Im pretty new to it all and i dont have any money so thats why im waiting for any kind of suspension lift.

On the top right side of your screen there is a button that says SEARCH click on it.

It works pretty good :thumbsup:

search for 853 and ranger if you still cant figure it out

IF you still don't havn't found it yet it's PA (Performance Accessories) 883. With this kit the front bumper brackets fit perfect. You can buy it from JC Whitney for around 140 - 150. It is the Ranger kit.

DominicanX said:
IF you still don't havn't found it yet it's PA (Performance Accessories) 883. With this kit the front bumper brackets fit perfect.

I use the 883 and the bumper brackets didnt exactly fit leaving the bumper pointing up.. i had to bend it a little bit to get the bumper level
