98 Ex on Craigslist $10,999 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 Ex on Craigslist $10,999


Well-Known Member
January 13, 2014
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
2000 X AWD EB 5L
I had to share, the rig is clean, they did a good job with presentation in the photos. But that price tag.... Not unless a gold bar or 2 are included. Is this really where inflation has taken us? WOW.

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Clean, but no way would I pay that much for one with 100k miles on it.

$11k at a car lot they will sell it because they can finance
People don’t even blink
To buy an explorer with over 200k miles for $5500-6500 at a lot because they need a 4wd and a clean ride…. So many times I’m the guy who comes with a trailer soon after to haul them away

At least this one might outlast the payments

for that price, I hope it comes with new sway bar end links... :eek:
And escorts to escort you around, fan you with palm leaves and throw grapes in your mouth while the passenger seat is reclined.

It’s clean, but due to the seats you can tell fat people owned it
Plus the miles to the price

Real world it’s a $6,500 truck

$11k at a car lot they will sell it because they can finance
People don’t even blink
To buy an explorer with over 200k miles for $5500-6500 at a lot because they need a 4wd and a clean ride…. So many times I’m the guy who comes with a trailer soon after to haul them away

At least this one might outlast the payments

Would have to be shady “buy here pay here” type deal
no legit bank would write that based on the miles and year

That’s a cash deal, MAYBE credit card if you’re kinda slow, or a likely illegal hard money loan

Also if you take a loan out for that truck, you’re probably not mentally competent to handle your own finances

For a SOHC? Someone’s smoking crack. Everyone in my area is coming of their V8s in droves. I’ve seen two under 120k and 3,000. Either of those, and a mediocre paint job and they’d be way more desirable.

It’s clean, but due to the seats you can tell fat people owned it
Plus the miles to the price

Real world it’s a $6,500 truck
That's better, but I think that's still high. It is probably one of the nicest survivors I've seen though.
