98 Ranger 4.0, lefter like noise 5 min on cold start | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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98 Ranger 4.0, lefter like noise 5 min on cold start


New Member
July 20, 2010
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City, State
canton, michigan
Year, Model & Trim Level
Ranger 98 XLT
The noise sounds like a lifter tapping, the noise gets louder then softer then starts building up again. and when driving stays loud. This last for about 5 minutes, When starting after it's warm, you don't hear it. does not have to be cold out.

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You might have wax/parafine in your oil. Pump cannot push it all the way up into the lifters when is "cold" - that is below 75-100F... I woldn't drive it till it gets quiet - who knows if it can enter in the bearings...
How often do you change the oil?

Is it a SOHC? When the timing chain tensioners wear out it makes a rattle/tap sound. It usually occurs on cold start ups, and sometimes around the 3k rpm band.

any ideas

I change the oil about every 3,000 miles, but it is a 98 and has period where it sits for months. It does sound like a lack of oil, every 10 - 20 seconds the noise will stop as if got a little more oil, then the noise slowly builds and starts clacking again. This goes on for 3 to 5 minutes. One mechcanic told me to put 1/2 pint trans fuild in the oil to help clean things, didn't work.

Also I can't tell if it's a OHC or SOHC 4.0. But it doesn't sound like a timing chain. I've had that problem on a car and this doesn't sound like that.

sorry for my delay in reading your post, family issues had me tied up.
