99 Saleen Explorer...possibly "For Sale" | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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99 Saleen Explorer...possibly "For Sale"


New Member
August 8, 2002
Reaction score
City, State
Allen, Texas
Year, Model & Trim Level
1999 Saleen XP8 AWD
I'm thinking about selling my 1999 Saleen Explorer. It's one of 300 produced by Saleen between 1998 and 2001.
It's Black with Grey leather interior, 38k miles, AWD, it has a modified 5.4L, that pushes 288 hp, Borla exhaust, Racecraft suspension, 18" five spoke Saleen rims with Pirelli Zero's. I'll have pics posted soon.
Is there any interest out there for this kind of vehicle?...and if so, make an offer

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5.4L ?


ill buy it for 10gs :)

let's see her :D

im in the market for a new car... lookin at some 2000-2001 limiteds or eb... and some 99 or 00 expeditions now.. can u post pics and list specs and modifications and a price range u want for it.. only drawback is that ur in tex.. im in ny :p

how much you think its worth?

Texas to New York?....makes for a great road cruise. I'm working on posting some pics.
There was one that sold on Ebay for $24,000 that is very similar, except minne id Black.
