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A/C Questions - Answers


EF Tranny Guru
Moderator Emeritus
February 8, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Sacramento, CA 95827
Year, Model & Trim Level
1992 XLT
Ah yes, tis that season again.... A/C questions start popping up on the board. A couple of friendly suggestions... before you ask questions, go to the "Useuul Threads and read the AC threads on there, they pretty much cover everything. (and yes, I intend to work up a FAQ thread as well it may save some time.)

Ok, sorry if I sound *****y, but ya see the problem is, many, if not most people asking questions do not provide adequate information that you need to provide sound advice and you spend valuable time trying to get that information. My inbox at this time of year is often full of folks asking A/C Q's without enough info to offer meaningful help.

Ok, so WHAT information you ask? What REALLY helps is knowing 1) the outside temp when you are having the problem, 2) the vent temps in the cabin, 3) the "high side" pressure and 4) the "low side" pressure while operating. YES you need a gauge set. $50 will buy you one. If you really plan DIY AC it is a good investment.

We all want to help you on here, but as the number of users grows and time becomes limited such that we can't help everyone, first help from me at least will go to those with the most data, so the answers are meaningful instead of trying to explain over and over what we need.

Please take this in the spirit in which it is offered.
