A Real Need For Speed | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A Real Need For Speed

Read ing the paper today & noticed story about two speeders

#1 six months weekend detention,loss of licence for 18 months just for doing 204 kmph(127 mph) in the rain

#2 six months jail,$350 fine,loss of licence 5 years for doing 226 kmph (141 mph)

both in a 110 kmph (68mph zone) both were in the same area & on the same weekend

110k is the max speed you can do in New South Wales

if you want to go real fast without getting caught take a trip to the northern territory no highway speed limit

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yes, and those same two guys would have got booed off the autobahn for being too bloody slow!!!

Where's the justice???


wow, i cant imagine what going 141 or more is like.....the fastest i have ever actually driven is 128 in a 328i, and that was plenty fast for me.....

here's another one

high range pca doing 148k's (92 mph) in a 60k (37mph)
zone the best bit it was across Sydney Harbour Bridge
what a nutter

thats nothing dont know many times i have done in excess of 120mph 200+ k over that bridge the tunnel used to be fun as well till they put a speed camera in the middle. they are threatening to put a speed camera on the bridge as well. note the clock on fords here finishes at 200kph

i suppose you were 3 times over the limit

like drunk? no, but ya have to do it at 4am on a monday when there is no one on it. the things 6 lanes wide !

i once was supposedly going 80 mph in a canyon that had a maximum speed of 45 mph..... also, another time, the cop said i was doing above 70 mph in a school zone (25 mph max)


hey Frank did you actually take your hand of the steering wheel at that speed to take a pic & am i reading it right 170mph, thats fairly well motoring

hey matey ive done that as well except on a bike(1981 gsx1100) but a bit more than 200 k's but that was like 20 years ago when i was young & stupid now days im just STUPID but lucky to get over 110k's

Rizzo! Just noticed you have paddle shifters! Your car now owns!

ya i know what ya mean m8 240 down the f4 you really notice that it isnt that flat. then the z1000 was too old

sorry "wasnt". i blame you americans for my excedingly poor gramma and punctuation if you had never introduced me to my very good friend jim beam .i could probbally see better and rave on less.:eek:


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what an *******. i dont know how you kids can think its cool to drive like that. a 15 yo girl was killed here the other day cause she though it was cool to steal a car and run from the police her parents didnt even know she was out. the shock on the father face.man. drive fast ..die young:roll:

Nevermind Rizzo, didn't notice the M. Thought it was yours but it seems to be an M3. Yours is still cool though :D

"what an *******. i dont know how you kids can think its cool to drive like that. a 15 yo girl was killed here the other day cause she though it was cool to steal a car and run from the police her parents didnt even know she was out. the shock on the father face.man. drive fast ..die young"

you forget one small peice

& a devistated family
