A used GM EV1 was sold for $465K! | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A used GM EV1 was sold for $465K!

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That's odd- I wonder if GM knows. As far as I know, all EV1's were leased. I wonder if this guy skipped with it. This could be interesting to follow...

But GM said no one wanted them. :p:

That's odd- I wonder if GM knows. As far as I know, all EV1's were leased. I wonder if this guy skipped with it. This could be interesting to follow...

Apparently His grandfather skipped with the vehicle and GM is still looking for it too :dunno:

I posted this once before, but its kinda cool if you haven't seen it.


The article, linked in the first post, says his grandfather "prepaid" in '95. No explaination of what that meant. Maybe he bought out his lease before GM decided not to sell them?

If not, isn't there a statute of limitations on car theft? Most non-violent crimes, at least in the US, are 7 years, I think.

I'm just wondering how the new owner will be able to register it, get a title, inspection, and insurance. What will he do if he needs parts?

For nearly half-a-million, I doubt they have any intention of driving it. Not to mention that is one of maybe 2-3 know to still exist (functioning).

anyone else see the white explorer on the right side at about 2:40?? :p: haha

I'm just wondering how the new owner will be able to register it, get a title, inspection, and insurance. What will he do if he needs parts?

The idea of needing parts- or not needing nearly as many of them as an internal combustion vehicle, as it was... was part of why GM didn't think the plan was a good idea- not enough money for their dealerships and parts groups. It was too good of an idea... ;)

Here's an interesting read- CLICK ME

I'm by no means an environmentalist, and I eat animals... But if you haven't seen "Who Killed the Electric Car" it's a hell of a documentary... Must see, IMHO... Something stinks in there, but yeah- the government is involved. :D

its got some balls.

also the government is involved it keeping it from the public but something like this will be back soon i do not think GM will have it but maybe toyota since they lead with avalable technology for the market.

looks like a 1st get to me if you look at the rear hatch and the square front fenders

Has anybody heard anything more on this? Is it "stolen" or is there some sort of further explanation about what the guy's claim of his grandfather "prepaying" something? Was it a legit sale? Has GM gotten involved?




Couldn't find anything on Snopes.com, sooooo.......... I guess we'll have to wait and see what turns up.

Here's a discussion on another forum about it, 2 pages:


Related, but then again unrelated website:


Jeff - :navajo:
