A4LD valve body bolt torque sequence | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD valve body bolt torque sequence


September 25, 2021
Reaction score
City, State
Los Angeles, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 Explorer Sport
I'm replacing the A4LD valve body in my 93 Explorer and I'd like to know the a bolt torque sequence when reinstalling. The AGSG Technical manual only says torque the bolts in the middle (90 inch pounds) first then work to the outer bolts. I'll like to see the exact order like the Sonnax 5R55S valve body pictured below. I wrote them but so far I haven't heard anything back. Thanks


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Don't know why it's not a pinned asset. tried to attatch image directly, keeps being compressed .
here is direct link to imgur:

Thanks. Great info but still not an A4LD valve body.

Thanks. Great info but still not an A4LD valve body.
True, I'm trying to find the actual a4ld vb image across 18 drives and * physical printouts, but I recall the pattern being the same as above.

i see its just basically torque the inner bolts first in a crisscross pattern then do the same for the outer. Just wondering if it matters if you don't follow the exact number sequence. I know transmissions can be quite touchy.

I tightened mine to 2.4 ugga duggas on my small impact. No particular order. Been going strong for 2 years now :D

I tightened mine to 2.4 ugga duggas on my small impact. No particular order. Been going strong for 2 years now :D
Been going strong for 2 years? That's good to know. Thanks.

2.4 ugga duggas?
