A4LD WOT upshift and kickdown control | Page 2 | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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A4LD WOT upshift and kickdown control

Did somebody try to adjust your bands before? Maybe they tightened them a little too tight, and possibly snapped it, or caused them to prematurely snap? If that band snaps, you would have no gears at all.

94 was the last year for the A4LD.... and the best. unless you are into entering the realm of the unknown... Project Frankentranny... you will do well to rebuild it stock. The 5R55 guts swap results in the best possible tranny for the 1st gen explorers, but requires a little more investment in time and materials.... not everyone's cup of tea.

Me ? I am building a 94 as we speak AND a frankentranny.
