ABS kicks on right before i stop | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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ABS kicks on right before i stop


June 6, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
fairhaven ma
Year, Model & Trim Level
1993 eb
my x is a 1993 E.B. 2wd. when i'm driving and hit my brakes the truck slows down fine but right before the truck stops the ABS kicks on. It's like 1 second before the truck stops.....it seems like the truck thinks i'm going 60mph and my brakes are about to lock, when i am really stopping at a red light. Noone i have brought it to can figure it out......please help!

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Does the ABS light come on after this happens?

nope. the light was always off till i pulled the fuse

My 93 had pretty much the same problem except the ABS light would come on and stay on. I looked into it, did some what-if's and then some price checking and then unplugged the damn thing. My 92 only has rear ABS which I don't think works, and it was kinda diffcult for me to go from a vehicle that would lock up to a vehicle that had full ABS. Now I live in sunny SoCal where I don't have to put up with snow and ice unless I go look for it, so deactivating the ABS wasn't much of a safety issue in my book. If you live in an area where having ABS is a nesesity then I wouldnt go this route. Hopefully someone has fixed this problem and can clue both of us in.


Thanks Tim, At this point I'm just leaving the fuse out and unplugging the ABS Light.

I figure that it is air or water in the system, or the HCU (or whatever that controler is called) is bad. HCU's are too expensive for my blood, bleeding the ABS requires a trip to the dealer because they have a machine to pulse the HCU and get all of the air out. (either that or build a device to do just that) I would just take the thing off but I don't think it would fly if I wanted to sell it. Since 93 is the first year they started using four wheel ABS I'm told that problems are pretty common.

Thanks Again! I dont know if you have heard of some running into this, if you have let me know.
Ok I will start from the beginning, Last week my alternator started making noise so I figured it was going. Sure enough, yesterday the battery light turns on. I brought it to autozone and the said the alternator was shot, which made perfect sense. I bought a rebuilt 130amp to replace the stock 95 amp for like $100. Real easy install, took like 10 min. I start the truck and the light is still on and the volt guage inside isn't going back to where it used to go. I figured I was just unlucky enough to get a bad alternator. I brought it back and got another one, put it in, SAME THING! I go back to autozone again and swap it for a 95amp like the old one. I just put it in, same thing. I have no clue what to check now. I really dont want to have to go to the dealer with this. PLEASE HELP! It's a 1993 2wd Eddie Bauer. Oh ya the 2nd one tested bad when the put the tester on the batt. but good on the bench test.????????????

extra1es i know this might sound stupid but did you check your
fuse it might be blown,it happened to me

abs false activation

Concern: abs false activation at low speeds while deceleration with the brake pedal depressed.

Situation: there is three channel system on this vehicle. two front wheel speed sensors and one rear wheel speed sensor.

The wheel speed sensors for the vehicle are a/c mili-volt generators. Measure in hz.

Normal System operation: when abs activation occurs one of the speed sensors is reading has dropped off. This cause the electronic control unit (ECU) to command the Hydraulic control unit (HCU) to isolate that wheel. Once the system is isolated by the isolation valve. (contained in the hcu) The ecu commands the hcu to operate the dump valve.(located in the hcu) This relieves the hydraulic pressure on that locked up wheel. (anti-lock)

Solution: check the air gap between the sensor and the tone ring.
check the tone ring for damage. inspect the tone ring for metal of rust build up thus generating a false/innaccurate signal. Inspect wiring harness for water intrusion, pin pull out and chaffing.

Last thing would be to use two digital volt ohm meters and monitor the wheel speed sensors (in HZ.) at time of concern and watch the signal drop out. The sensor that drops out first is your faulty sensor. Replace as needed.

Same Problem

No Midas or cole's shop will touch my brake problem. I have to take it to a regular garage, so what is my best bet? should I have them clean it or test it, or jsut put a new set on?

RE: ABS kicks on

Fiddling with the ABS sensor itself will fix this. The sensor is not set at the correct distance.

I have just the same problem on my 97 will try above.
