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July 23, 2002
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Rogers, Ark
Year, Model & Trim Level
95 XLT
I was curious as to what amplifier to get for my 95 xlt. I haven't purchased any speakers yet either and will be doing that soon. I have seen some amazing prices on amps on ebay. I was curious is it all about wattage or what. To power four speakers as well, then maybe getting a subwoofer down the road. I was wondering what are some good amps to consider under 250.00 or even under 200. Then I am going to go with the 6x8 speakers and any ideas on those two would be helpful. I am going to put in 3 ways in all doors. Help anyone. I am new to all this and everything is greatly appriciated.

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I pmed you

for amps under $250-200, try lightning audio or us acoustics. the rockford fosgate 400.4 is around $260-270. it will have PLENTY of power. for speakers try mb quart (the RSCs), crystal or phoenix gold. go for components (6.5s)instead of 6x8s. MUCH better sound. just use factory speakers for the rear (you want the sound to come from in front, so have the rear turned down lower) and save the $ for a sub. about $100-180 for the components and have this stuff for pretty cheap.

Check out Planet Audio on E-bay. I got one and like It a lot more than my Fosgate. Its way beefier. Its clean, has an output, and decent crossovers. The controls are real easy to use also. My Fosgates controls are horrible and the gains are the worst I have ever seen. I run my sub off of it and am looking for another for my highs.

Ok. Well seeing how cheap the US Acousitic amps are. Would I be better off getting 2 2 channel amps and channel the front with one and rear with other. Or should I go with a 4 channel amp to channel them all. As for a sub, I am getting a Q logic one that fits in the cargo area and a cheap amp to just power that. I am lost on really how to do all this so well. I don't want major bass which is why I am getting the Q Logic one. I just want clearity on my sound at high volumes. Then a little Bass that I can feel. Also should I even get a seperate amp for the sub???? A guy at best buy told me I should because to wire it into a 4 channel amp then also power loss for that? I just don't know. This should help you guys. I am getting these speakers I have already decided. 2 people told me to get 6.5's but I wouldn't know how to fit them in and I want 3 ways in all doors.

those pioneers should do fine I believe. To give me clearity and handle high volumes. Now you know what 4 I am trying to power maybe you can help me on getting an AMP. Either 4 channel amp then seperate amp for sub. Or wire it into the 4 channel if that works. Or even get 3 2 channel amps to power the 4 speakers and then one 2 channel amp for the sub. Just help me on how to do this. I am so new to all this and all I want is good sound and not to waste my money. I know you all have probably been in this position before so help is good.

Also will my XLT power all this I am trying to do with the battery in it. Will I be ok? Thanks a million for reading and ****.

yep that looks fine. I have read about the acoustics and how everyone likes them. BTW which 10" sub are you planning on getting? Also for wire i have a hook-up on Stinger hardware out in Farmington AR. Check out is where you can find the product pay no attention to the prices he gives me discounts! As far as your X being able to power it i dont see any problems with what your going for. How old is your battery?

I think going with 2 amps insted of 3 is a better idea (espically since the price is the same), but dont forget a distribution box to seperate the power wire into two seperate wires to power you amps($10-20 depending on your wire size. Like I said before I have the 600D and it serves me well, it vibrates the heck out of my seats and I can feel it inside my house ( it powers 2 12" Bazookas). Im only putting about 120Watts into each sub, and they are wired seperatly. But you can always go with a 2 channel USX amp (about $80 cheaper)

2 channel 4 sub:

This one is 280x1 and only $90:

This one is 160x1 and only $80

To dicide which one two get find out how much wattage your q-logic sub can take and how much you can stand :)

Distribution Blocks

If you need anymore help just post again, later

Hey, just got finished typing a big long thing then I clicked post and it said I wasn't logged in so here I am typing it again. The battery I have I assume came with it in 95 I would guess. So go with that on power.

The Q-Logic sub I am getting is right here in the link below.....

Dead Link Removed

Which brings me to ask. Which should I go for the 10 or 8. Keep in mind I want something I will feel but won't annoy people around me. Something to fit well with my speakers I am putting in to equalize with the highs and lows. Then the occasional nights when I just feel like blaring Led Zepplin - Over the Hills and Far Away. I want to hear and feel that beautiful song...anyways back on task. There is also a MTX sub there that says something about loaded then unloaded. Whats the difference. Then which is better the Q-Logic or MTX? Thanks for checking them out.

As for the AMP's I am getting the US Acoustics thanks a billion for those. I was almost about to get this JVC that was like 600 watts and 219 it wasn't bad. Then a Rockford Fosgate to power the amp that was like 140 I think can't remember its power etc.

For the speakers I am getting the one which pushes 65 watts per speaker 260 watts overall.

Now for the Sub knowing what it is do I go with the mono 600D or just get a 2 channel lower wattage amp.

Thanks for everything my sisters husband can hook all this up or he claims. I asked him he's like yup, yup, yup. He changed speakers in his old car so it should be all good. I just don't know what wires I need and how to do it all. I guess the AMPs or Speakers I am getting don't come with wires. So I might be back after all orders come in to get help with setup an my amps as to the high low ****. Thanks a bunch

For deciding which sub to get think about this, a small subwoofer will produce tight, punchy bass. Thats best for classical, jazz, or pop music. A larger woofer will be better for rap, alternative or heavy metal, so in your case a 10" wouldn't hurt, it should be just fine. A 8" probally wouldnt be worth it, in my opinion...go for the 10"

As for your amp choices:

The 600D will give your sub 200x1 @ 4ohms (thats what you will have with your q-logic $170

The only main differences of this "sub" amp is that it is designed two power a subwoofer, it is a "D" class amp which prouduces up to 90% more effecienty, and also what I LOVE about this amp is that it has a remote bass control that lets you adjust the gain with a knob, beats fliping though menus on your head unit.

The 2050 will give you 160x1 @12.4volts $80

The 2080 will give you 280x1 @ 12.4volts $90

Any and all of these amps will do, its just up to you on how much wattage you need, and the price your willing 2 spend.

Hey thanks. I think I will go with the ten now. I have been on Smashing Pumpkins lately....then some classic rock...and the indie emo bands. Modest Mouse, Built to Spill, 764-Hero, Appleseed Cast, Tyko....bands like that. Great great music. It's not really heavy just inbetween. Some like to call it stoner music because it relaxing and could put you to sleep. Though I'm not a stoner but hey..we have all been there. So I guess that would fit under our alternative where the 10 would be good. So the Q-Logic ten. The sound of the 600D sounds good, the remote control thing sounds nice to have. Though on the MTX's costume fit like the Q logic what was loaded and unloaded. What did that mean, and would that be better than the Q. One more thing what is the difference between 4ohm's and 2 ohm's. I have seen speakers with both of them having that. Then amps where you can decide which you want. What should I set my amp to 4 or 2. You have seen the pioneers I am getting and the sub so thanks for everything. This helps a lot and is a lot easier than walking into an audio store where they are to laid back to answer questions and dont even carry 6x8s!

loaded is with a mtx 6000 sub, unloaded is just the enclosure w/o the sub. if you really have to have the sub in the rear side panel, then the mtx or qlogic are your easiest options, but if you can handle building a small box yourself, you can buy the materials from homedepot/lowes and just buy a sub. cheaper this way. you can use better materials then mtx or qlogic uses.
the mtx loaded enclosure is $250-300 for the explorer model (in the rear panel) or $180 for a sub in a regular (cheap made) box. you can get a decent to good sub that will handle 300+ watts for $90-130 bucks

Amps do not let you chose between 2 and 4 ohms they can be rated that way. For instance an amp can deliver 100x1 watts @4ohms and 200x1 @2ohms. The reason for this is because the lower # ohms the more power it draws from the amp.

Answers 2 Questions:

Q> Whats the difference between loaded and unloaded?
A> Loaded includes a sub, and Unloaded doesent, you can put your own in (if you want to put in a different sub)

Q> What is 2 ohms and 4 ohms and how put that to use
A> 2ohms and 4ohms are the INDEPENDENCE of the sub, thats another way subs are rated/compaired. A 2ohm sub will draw more power/wattage from your amp. You can achieve a 2ohm load by either purchaing a 2ohm sub (more expensive) or by wiring two 4ohm subs in parrell (joining both + and - wire together and connecting them directly to the amp

if the amp you are getting will allow you to run it at 2 ohms, then you can either get a 2 ohm sub, a dual voice coil 4 ohm sub, or (2) 4 ohm subs. (plus a couple of other options requiring much $$$)
the 2 ohm sub will make the amp work harder, but if it is rated for that you will usually get twice the wattage output. with (2) 4 ohm subs, properly wired, the amp will "see" 2 ohms. you will get the same output as w/ a 2 ohm sub (w/ 1/2 going to each sub) but with this set up you will also have twice the surface area (of speaker cone) pushing air.

one thing to remember with subwoofers is, you always want to have more than enough power. it is better to have a more powerful amp with the gain turned down, than just enough power with the gain all the way up.

one 10" with 200-300 watts in a small sealed enclosure is perfect for playing loud, but not shaking the mirrors of the car infront of you.

Well thankyou both. The way you said it terdrocket. I believe the 10" Q-Logic with the 600D US Acoustics amp will do me just fine. Thanks a bunch. I will be back sometime I bet starting another post to make sure I wired all this correctly.

i dont believe the qlogic comes w/ a sub. your going to have to buy your own, its just an enclosure.
