Another screen shot from the latest MFT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Another screen shot from the latest MFT

Car 54

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August 15, 2011
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Anyone seen the new 2013 Ford Fusion? It's looking really good!

Here's a screen shot from the MFT system and a good indication of what we're going to see in our Ex's.


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I'm bummed that the 4 corners no longer provide information. Why was that considered an "enhancement'.

I'm bummed that the 4 corners no longer provide information. Why was that considered an "enhancement'.

No kidding. I'm hope this isn't the final version. Most of what is shown in the phone quadrant used to appear in the corner (connection status, battery and service indicators). I hope song/artist will appear when available in the corner of the audio section - yes I know you can view on the right information section of the main vehicle display too.

It's been said here before, but I also wish the exterior temp was beside the clock as well. I know it's on the instrument panel but not as easy for passengers to view.

As long as it doesn't say "Restarting from system maintenance" it looks good to me.

I'm bummed that the 4 corners no longer provide information. Why was that considered an "enhancement'.

I couldn't agree more! I really wonder why I'm not in charge sometimes!;)

It's been said here before, but I also wish the exterior temp was beside the clock as well. I know it's on the instrument panel but not as easy for passengers to view.

Hmmm, the temp displays to the right of the clock on my MFT (2012 Ex Limited).

Keeping 2.11 is always an option. I'm serious.

You already have MFT so what do you think of the new version?

Greetings for the North American International Auto Show! The Fusion is GORGEOUS!!!! I'm planning to stop by Ford today and do a quick video of the new MFT for you guys. Stand by :)

Can you ask if the new models with MFT have the same hardware, amount of RAM, etc, etc??


I'm bummed that the 4 corners no longer provide information. Why was that considered an "enhancement'.

My guess is that the dumbed-down screens are in response to the criticisms from publications like Consumer Reports who complained that the system was too confusing and distracting. So they're making it simpler and less informative. Wouldn't want anyone distracted by easy access to the outside temperature display or cell phone battery info, would we?

I'm hopeful that this new update will address some of the functional issues with the system, but I fear it'll be nothing more that a simplified interface for the dim-witted, with the sluggish and unreliable performance left intact.

I am glad they are taking the outside temp off the main screen! Muahahahahaha..... :D

Greetings for the North American International Auto Show! The Fusion is GORGEOUS!!!! I'm planning to stop by Ford today and do a quick video of the new MFT for you guys. Stand by :)

Here's a quick video I took of the Fusion's intro:

LOL!!! By the time I got around to watching the video (I finished looking at the other posts in this and another thread), I was greeted with the Wonder Woman theme song and the Wonder pooch doing laps around the pool! Too funny.

Wonder Woman, best theme song, EVARRRRRRR....

On another totally unrelated note, did you ever get to the Cracker Barrel?
