Any folks in Seattle area want to G.T.G. for A/C Stuff? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any folks in Seattle area want to G.T.G. for A/C Stuff?


Elite Explorer
June 2, 2000
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City, State
Year, Model & Trim Level
'05 Sport Trac Adrenalin
Replaced a condensor due to previous accident damage, when doing a radiator upgrade.
So I figured, since the system was open, I'd replace the orifice/filter, seals and receiver/drier and flush the lines.
We got any A/C Pros out there?
Not like we need a reason to get together (GTG), but this would be a good one!
I've got no tools/experience but I'm willing to give it a shot...

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I don't think any of us have a set of manifold gauges or a vacuum to pull down the system.

If they did it would be Diff Whack Daddy(Kevin) in Mt Vernon or JrGaylor (Joe) in Onalaska.

Wait, maybe Whitetrashfab (Ben)-Tenino or Abe Lincoln (Forest) Enumclaw would have those things?

I do AC at work but I dont have anything at home to do AC stuff. I would just pay a shop thats local to pull a vacume, check for leaks, and charge it. That way if you have any problems you can just take it to them. That way if you do have a slow leak you can bring it back. It shouldn't be that much? I think we charge an hour and how ever much r134 it takes to fill the system (like 2lbs for your rig) and check cycle times.

Dealer wants $150 to start...

I'm a little confused here (nothing new). You work at a performance shop or something like that and it doesn't have AC tools??

Where do you work (location not just company name)?

for example, we charge $85 bucks and hour at the shop I work at and any additional parts/service charges on top of that. I wouldn't take your rig to the "stealer-ship" unless you want to throw your money away... Try a loacl independent auto repair shop. Prices are much more reasonable and the quality of service is better for older rigs that the dealers want nothing to do with.

Just my 2 cents...
