Any of the Virginia people come on in. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Any of the Virginia people come on in.


Elite Ranger
Elite Explorer
January 14, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Fresno CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
86 ranger no more
I am currently working on a project at Ft Lee where I will be spending a lot of time here between now and probably May 2013. I am working on getting my company to bring my wife and daughter out for an extended visit. If they come out my wife will need a car to drive. I looked up rental cars and for the two months they will be here the rental cost would be almost $2000. Add that they might come again later and I could see spending $4000 on rental cars. Instead of tossing that money on a rental I figure I will just buy a car here and either sell it before I leave or do a family trip back across the country when I am done with the project cause we could use something with 4 doors anyway. So what I am wondering is what kind of registration and taxes would I be looking at if I were to say buy a 95-01 4x4 explorer :D? What is the deal with these inspection stickers? My budget is around $3000 or less.
