Anyone have access to ACTUAL TSBs? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone have access to ACTUAL TSBs?


Well-Known Member
May 7, 2001
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San Marcos, CA
Year, Model & Trim Level
2002 XLT 2WD
Im looking for these TSBs in particular but alas the dealer wont give them out. Id like to see what they have to say.

99-6-5 APR 99 Windnoise Around Side Doors-Service Tips

98-25-15 DEC 98 Front Seat Back Lever Bent-Vehicles With Sport Seats

98-5-14 MAR 98 Whistling/Hissing Noise From Transmission During Idle

If anyone has the text they can email or post or fax to 858-558-4672 Id really appreciate it!!!


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98-5-14 MAR 98 Whistling/Hissing Noise From Transmission During Idle

I'd like that one too. That noise drives me nuts, but I have no idea what to do about it.

TSBs and recall info

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I just went on that web site for the TSB's wow !!!

I have some of the symptoms noted on those tsb's .

Gage are these recalls or just service notifications and can i have work done on these for free from FORD ?

Any help would be appreciated .


There are both TSBs and recalls listed there. The recalls will be performed for free regardless of age or mileage. The TSBs will only be performed for free if the service department verifies that that your Explorer experiences the symptoms outlined in the TSB and if your are still under warranty.

In a word


He summed it up!

The only draw back is, is there is a lot of duplicates. But who cares just means more reading time

how do you get to see the procedures to fix the described problems?

I have so many of those things going on on my explorer i just though they were all normal now i'd like to know how to fix them

Subscribe to for $24.95 a year. Some of the TSBs actually have the repair procedures in them. Some just refer to the relevent part in the Ford Service manual for details. If the procedure differs from the service manual, it will be in the TSB.

Robert what if i'm out of warrenty and i have symptoms listed on a tsb can i have it repaired at no cost or will i have to pay full price to have the repair done ?


It depends on the tsb. they might have extended the war. like what they did with the chain tensioner tsb. Now SOHC with that issue are up 100k miles or 6 years. I don't know if they cover anything after that.


Acutally when they extend the warranty it becomes an Owner Notification Program (ONP) or a recall. The TSB is still just a bulletin for the service department to fix a problem that has seen often enough to generate a TSB. Sometimes (such as the case of the camshaft TSB) there will be such a huge number of reported incidents that Ford will announce an ONP to extend a warranty. In the case of the camshaft tensioners though it took them 3 TSBs and 4 years before they finally announced one. So to answer your question, no if it is only a TSB then Ford is under no obligation to repair it at no charge.

Ford does offer a special program that will allow the dealer to pay a large portion of a repair (I think it is about 75%). The rules are: 1) only the original place of purchase can offer it, 2) can only be used twice & 3) must have less than 50K miles on it your Explorer. Most of the time the Service Advisor won't tell you about it until you ask. It it better left for large repair bills rather than small bills, unless you are close enough to 50K miles that you don't think anything major will happen before 50K. Even then, it's a gamble.

OK I have to ask!

What do you do for a living Robert?

Field Service Engineer. I install, repair and train customers on calibration equipment. Our main product line is turbine flow meters to measure gas and liquid flow rates. However one of our products measures automotive exhaust flow rates for use in R&D at the big three automakers Proving Grounds and Test Centers as well as a few smaller automobile companies (SAAB & Delphi).

Thanks for the help!

Its nice to have an inside connection.
