Anyone wheel in NH? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Anyone wheel in NH?


Well-Known Member
March 10, 2006
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City, State
Merrimack, NH
Year, Model & Trim Level
2003 XLT
Does anyone wheel in NH? I'm looking for legal places to wheel.

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I have done some searching and I have heard that brooklin has some trails in it. The places I used to go are a) under water b) no longer legal because atv owners decieded to be irresponsable c) they turned the best place into a atv/dirt bike only place. I was thinking about joining a 4wheeling club...but I have not done so yet because a)I'm going to be running mostly stock for a while b)I'm looking for places in nh near the place I live (merrimack). Thanks for any help.

Nothing is in the works at the moment as far as wheeling in NH. Hopefully we'll get some interest in going to the DWE show in Hopkinton in July, but other than that, nothing on the table. Plus I'm told that the Brookline trail isn't legal, so I may stay away from there till I can confirm otherwise. I might have a couple leads as far as legal NH trails, though. A good source is the New England Association of 4wd Clubs, as well as New England Online Wheelers. They may know plenty of places.

Yes, I have been talking with the guys over at that site today. I guess a few clubs have legal access to land. one of them is having some kind of kick off or something on the 10-11th and they don't mind if I come and check it out. Thanks for the help.

Have fun. I'd love to join ya, but I've gotta get to the Cape! I'm SO late!! :p
