Autounlock Issue | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Autounlock Issue

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December 14, 2010
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Year, Model & Trim Level
2016 Limited
2016 Limited. Auto unlock feature has been unlocking all doors when I grab the driver side door handle. For the past few days, when I grab the handle only the driver's door unlocks. If I grab the passenger side door handle first all doors unlock. Haven't changed any settings (that I know of) and don't see anything in the menus that could change this. Any thoughts on what the problem might be?

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Check your settings in the left hand information display on the instrument cluster. Under "vehicle" check auto unlock, the choices are all doors/drivers door.


2016 Limited. Auto unlock feature has been unlocking all doors when I grab the driver side door handle. For the past few days, when I grab the handle only the driver's door unlocks. If I grab the passenger side door handle first all doors unlock. Haven't changed any settings (that I know of) and don't see anything in the menus that could change this. Any thoughts on what the problem might be?
I had an issue with my driver's side door as well. In my case the door would not unlock or lock at times. The passenger door handle worked fine. I scheduled an appointment and the went out to try it a few more times and it started working. Canceled the appointment and it been fine ever since. That was about 5 months ago.
Do you still have the '04 XLT? If not, please update your profile or create a signature for the 2016 Limited. Thanks.

BTW, do all doors unlock when you use the Securicode panel?


I had an issue with my driver's side door as well. In my case the door would not unlock or lock at times. The passenger door handle worked fine. I scheduled an appointment and the went out to try it a few more times and it started working. Canceled the appointment and it been fine ever since. That was about 5 months ago.
Do you still have the '04 XLT? If not, please update your profile or create a signature for the 2016 Limited. Thanks.

BTW, do all doors unlock when you use the Securicode panel?

Bill and Peter: Thanks. Followed Bill's instructions and it's working now. Don't know how the setting got changed. What was confusing was that even in the driver's door setting the passenger door handle would lock/unlock all doors.
Need to check the door panel.
Will update profile.

Bottom Line,

That's the way the Ford lock system is programmed, it's a choice from the drivers door whether or not you want the system to just unlock the driver's door or all the doors, (setting under vehicle in the information display). If you choose to unlock the vehicle from the passenger side door, all of the doors unlock.


Bottom Line,

That's the way the Ford lock system is programmed, it's a choice from the drivers door whether or not you want the system to just unlock the driver's door or all the doors, (setting under vehicle in the information display). If you choose to unlock the vehicle from the passenger side door, all of the doors unlock.


Bill and Peter: Thanks. Followed Bill's instructions and it's working now. Don't know how the setting got changed. What was confusing was that even in the driver's door setting the passenger doorI had handle would lock/unlock all doors.
Need to check the door panel.
Will update profile.
I also had a setting change on me once. I believe it was the Active Guidelines that were set to Off.


Bill and Peter: Thanks. Followed Bill's instructions and it's working now. Don't know how the setting got changed. What was confusing was that even in the driver's door setting the passenger door handle would lock/unlock all doors.
Need to check the door panel.
Will update profile.

Did you have yours in for service recently? Could have happened as the dealer connected to it for any updates or battery disconnects.
Some of my menu selections changed/reset on mine when it was in for service in May...

Did you have yours in for service recently? Could have happened as the dealer connected to it for any updates or battery disconnects.
Some of my menu selections changed/reset on mine when it was in for service in May...
No. Nobody's touched it except me since before itchanged to driver's side only.

No. Nobody's touched it except me since before itchanged to driver's side only.

Happened again. Haven't touched the information display since I reset to "all doors." Yesterday went to open with door handle and only driver's door unlocks. Check the display and it is showing "driver's door." Can the manner in which the car is locked (inside switch, fob, door keypad) automatically change the setting to "driver's door?"

Happened again. Haven't touched the information display since I reset to "all doors." Yesterday went to open with door handle and only driver's door unlocks. Check the display and it is showing "driver's door." Can the manner in which the car is locked (inside switch, fob, door keypad) automatically change the setting to "driver's door?"
I've used all of those scenarios and it never affected the settings and I don't think it should. Have you brought this up with the dealer?


I've used all of those scenarios and it never affected the settings and I don't think it should. Have you brought this up with the dealer?


Not yet. Problem just started last week. Thought it was
I've used all of those scenarios and it never affected the settings and I don't think it should. Have you brought this up with the dealer?


Not yet. Problem seemed to be fixed after following Bill's instructions in Post # 2. Worked fine until yesterday.

A certain combination press of lock and unlock on the remote will change the setting as well. That may be the cause.

A certain combination press of lock and unlock on the remote will change the setting as well. That may be the cause.
Wasn't aware of that. In any case I lock/unlock 99.9% of the time using the driver's door touch handle.
