Back after three years | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Back after three years


Active Member
July 22, 2008
Reaction score
City, State
NW Washington
Year, Model & Trim Level
1998 Eddie Bauer
Hello everyone!

I haven't frequented this board in about three years. I once owned a 1996 XLT, but sold it in 2010 (and have since regretted it). Just this week I picked up a 1993. Although it's an oldie, I'm happy to be behind the wheel of an Explorer once again!

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Glad to hear you made your way back to an explorer. Do you have any big plans for it?

Glad to hear you made your way back to an explorer. Do you have any big plans for it?

Thank you! Yes, it feels great to be driving one again. I don't have big plans for it. Once my kids are grown and out of the house, I'll have more time/money to tinker with my rigs. Right now, it's all about maintenance! ;-)

It's not perfect, but it's in great shape for a 20 year old vehicle. 130k on the odometer, and only a few minor problems (ignition is loose, loose door handles, plastic trim issues, etc). Mechanically it's in great shape.

1993. Although it's an oldie,

An Oldie but Goodie. It's a real SUV.

Sounds like a good find with low miles! :thumbsup:

Welcome back! I did just the same.

Well, here I am again. I wound up selling the '93 XLT after only about 2 months of ownership, and I just bought a '98 EB.

My third Explorer. I just can't live without 'em! My first vehicle with the SOHC 4.0
