Back in Mexico... | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Back in Mexico...


Elite Explorer
Moderator Emeritus
February 11, 2001
Reaction score
City, State
Red Bluff, Ca
Year, Model & Trim Level
1975 Ford Bronco 4x4
I'll tell you one thing... It's 150x easier to fly into Mexico than it is drving! :confused:

So we flew from Sacramento to San Antonio, picked up our truck and trailer that had been driven out there by old people, then drove down to Laredo that night. Got to the UPS warehouse (they're brokering us in just as they did NASCAR a few weeks back) at about 3AM. Crashed in the truck and planned on leaving at 10AM the next morning. Well paper work is a pain down here. We didn't end up leaving until this morning at 1:20. Got to the border about 10 minutes later (3 miles) and spent the next 7 HOURS in Customs! ^%#@&* Finally rolled into Monterrey about midnight.

A kid we have working for us is writing updates you can find on our website .

Oh yeah, I left for a rodeo on the April 10th, got back on the 17th, then left for Mexico on the 18th. That's why I wasn't online for a week or so. But I Mexico Inn as wireless interwebnet. :cool: I'll be uploading some pics and vids manana..

What are you guys going to mexico for?

man section, you get to have all the fun ;) When you gonna come freeze with us in alaska :D

:chug: :chug:

jeff96 said:
What are you guys going to mexico for?

He's looking for an authentic Dirty Sanchez :p
