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Battery charge


New Member
June 3, 2007
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City, State
Palm Coast, Florida
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 Eddie Bauer
Have a 98 Eddie Bauer 4x4 Explorer. Had an old battery in it which I replaced a couple of months ago, everything, (radio, lights, air, door locks worked fine), since I had the blowout which I posted in a thread a while back, the Explorer is not driven any more. Anyways, It sat for a while and the new battery went dead, I charged it for a couple of hours and it started up fine, radio and mirrors work, but air, door locks and interior lights don't work, I did not check headlights. Checked fuses on left side of dash, they all seemed ok, seems like something needs to be reset, any ideas, have not checked fuses under hood yet. Thanks for any assistance.


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Check the fuses under the hood.

Checked all the fuses, found 1 bad, replaced it, still no Wipers, windows, dome lites or ac. Is there a way to check the big square fuses, don't know how you can tell it they are bad or not.


You trying to get this thing back roadworthy?

Yeah, I want to clean it up and sell it. Its been a good vehicle, but since it developed the clicking in the engine sorta scared to take it to far, altho it runs good. Be a good vehicle for a mechanical minded individual. I just don't have to desire or the room/tools to mess with it.

You could use a multimeter to check the fuses
