Battery not charging with new alternator | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery not charging with new alternator


New Member
November 12, 2009
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City, State
Charleston, SC
Year, Model & Trim Level
02 Eddie Bauer
Hey all, I've done some searches, but couldn't come up with an answer.

Car is an 02 Explorer Eddie Bauer 4.0
A month ago, while driving, the ABS light started flashing and the radio was cutting out. Thought it was the alternator, so I replaced it and charged the battery. Few days later, same thing. Replaced the battery.

I don't drive it much, so this week I went to drive it and it had a dead battery again. I jumped it and drove for about 20 min. Figured it was charged, but I was wrong.

Died in parking lot and I tried to jump it with my wife's Accord. I don't know if the Accord is to wimpy, but I couldn't get it to jump.

I have been doing some research and it seems that there are some fuses or fusible links from the alternator to the battery.

Can someone help me out with what fuses and fusible links to check?

Thanks in advance!

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Check all of them.

Have you taken it to Auto Zone to have the Atl checked? Did you have the old one checked before you replaced it.

I had an issue with my Jeep over the summer where I'd loose all the guages while I was driving down the road and then they'd come back.

The battery was just about 6yrs old I though for sure it was the alternator because of the way it was acting.

I brought both the alternator and the battery to Autozone and they tested out fine.So I replaced just the battery to start,and that fixed the issue.

I think what was happening was the battery was spiking and making the gauges flake out.Start with the easy things first,and make sure the connections are clean on the battery wires.

Check the voltage
this is what i got with a bad alt.
OFF - 12.5
Running - 11.8 (bad Alt)

with Bad Battery
OFF 11.9 volts
running 14.1volts

After new alternator and Battery combo
OFF - 12.8
Running - 14.3 (good Alt)

The voltages can vary somewhat but less than a .5-1 volt.
There has been an occasion where the Reman Alternators only lasted a month or two.

That's totally correct.

With Remans they usually only fix what's broken. Always go new, unless you are about to sell. :D
