Battery recommendation needed? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Battery recommendation needed?


Well-Known Member
July 30, 2001
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97 XLT 5.0 AWD 4-Door
I have been purchasing SUV batteries from Sears for years and recently have been having problems. In less then a year they all seem to loose the ability to hold a charge on cold nights...have had to carry a backup jump battery. I replaced my alternator, but still have the problem.

Recommendations on a battery that will last while providing tons of cranking power would be appreciated?

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I have got to the point where I will only use the Interstate or Optima batteries in my rigs. I'm up in the cold weather and love them.

You may want to grab a multimeter and make sure you don't have a short that's draining your system while not running...

I second the optima battery. Red top is best. Ive had mine for 5 years now and not a single problem. I scored it off ebay cheap brand new too. Advance Auto also carries them

X3 I run dual Yellow Top Optimas in mine and I have hd them for over 4 years now with no issues.

I use Yellow top because my electric fans and lights pull alot off the system, and they are made for deep cycles and large draw systems.

I have a red top in mu mustang and a red top in my wife's Durango... I also use a yellow top for my trailer winch.

For a regular rig I would go with Red top. :thumbsup:

uggghhh! DURALAST... Ive had bad luck with these, but thats just me... The Optima has cranked EVERY TIME. and once when I totally drained it (...a death sentence for Duralast) it charged right back up and 2 years later its alive and well.

It all depends on how you maintain it and what you use it for.

AutoZone Gold?

Is that the same as, Virtue Among ******?:dunno:

Duralast Gold 65-DLG was rated second by Consumer Reports in their latest tests, so maybe it was a good pick...

Duralasts are good batteries. Same with the new Schucks battery. They still might have some old ones. From the research I've seen the batteries made by Johnson Controls are decent. They make Duralast and the new Schucks line.

I bought a yellow top duralast battery last winter it has 1000 cca and so far it hasnt given me any problems and tonite its almost single digits on the thermometer. it was a split between the optima and duralast because of the cca but i read reviews on the optimas and was getting a 50/50 good bad review so Duralast was good because of the long warrenty...check the reviews on the optimas some were great and never had a problem but others were not so lucky and died within a year but i dont know what they were being used for...good luck
