Bent my front I-beam. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bent my front I-beam.

Hey there all,
I need a little help, I ran off a sharp curve and hit a cement culvert in my 93 explorer. The impact bent my front i-beam and I need to replace/ install a new one. Can anyone give me some pointers on the best way to change out the bent i-beam?

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get some pics of that if you can.. ive always heard these things snap b4 they bend but im thinking i have a slightly bent pass side beam which would explain alot. although it doesnt effect the vehicle enough to replace it, besides.. that would be too much work, and will only happen if someday in the future i have lots of spare money and SAS.

welcome aboard and that sux that u bent ur l-beam

Thanks for the warm welcome all!
Its a 4x2 automatic, I will get some pics up in a bit.

