Best place to buy bumpers? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best place to buy bumpers?



I plan on switching out my XLS bumpers for those from an EB or Limited. Ford wants $300+ each for the bumper covers. I found some on Ebay for around $150, but they want another $100 for shipping, and I don't know how trustworthy some of those places are.

Any suggestions on the best place to buy body parts like that?


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Can always check a junkyard.

Or if your really good go find an X in a parking lot and jack the bumper while the owners gone.
Haha j/k :D:D:D:D:D

I doubt your going to find anything out there from the aftermarket, your only choice is probably going to be ford for a new one. What's wrong with a used one, either way they'll need paint.

A used one with paint on it already would require more prep work, right? I like the idea of getting something in perfect shape that is paint-to-match.

Front bunper cover

I need a cover for my EB 03. i was out in the back woods and got the front stuck on a stump, broke the right lower corner. my search has found this place in Mass.

Certi-Fit Body Parts
140 York Ave
Randolph, MA 02368
Phone: (781) 963-6300

$63 ,with tax, new for the cover non EB with textured trim and primed upper with openings for fog lamps.

i am waiting on my EB cover and will let you know of the price.

shipping???? call and find out.


A used one with paint on it already would require more prep work, right? I like the idea of getting something in perfect shape that is paint-to-match.

Not really. Most of us painted our bumpers. Just give it a good washing and krylon it.

I need a cover for my EB 03. i was out in the back woods and got the front stuck on a stump, broke the right lower corner. my search has found this place in Mass.

Certi-Fit Body Parts
140 York Ave
Randolph, MA 02368
Phone: (781) 963-6300

$63 ,with tax, new for the cover non EB with textured trim and primed upper with openings for fog lamps.

i am waiting on my EB cover and will let you know of the price.

shipping???? call and find out.


Thanks a lot! I'll check them out.

i need a new bumper cover for my 03 mounty, due to stupidity on my part, well 50% my fault, 50% shopping cart's fault.

If anyone needs an XLS bumper i still have mine i need to get rid of :)

I got an XLT one one eBay, exact replica.

Certi-Fit Body Parts
140 York Ave
Randolph, MA 02368
Phone: (781) 963-6300


Hey, thanks again! They have a location near me, and I am going there tomorrow to most likely buy new front and rear bumpers. Good find!!!

kewl.....ask for a catalog...its free....


why? Krylon works great. A lot of people had great outcomes (in fact I dont recall any negitive reviews of

That's great if it worked for some people. It's far from the look I want on my Explorer. I guess it would be okay for a rugged look or on a trail truck, but my truck is more of a street truck. It's slammed and customized inside and out, and needs to be show worthy, even magazine worthy. Any paint will be done right. Painting textured, unprepped body panels with a rattle can is way, way out of the question. I want all of my panels to have the same finish as the rest of the truck.
