Best place to cut for a rear panel fix? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best place to cut for a rear panel fix?

Need to cut out the bad half of rear door jamb/panel and weld in a newer piece.

Should it be cut half way from mid door to mid cargo window?

Here is the damaged area:

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The inner panel looks to be straight, is it? If so I'd cut the outer panel above the highest damage, straight from the window down to the wheel well and remove the spot welds at the factory seam at the bottom of the door. IMO........

Yeah the inner is pretty good still. I yanked the outer back out around 1.5" to get the new door to work for now. But it really needs to get the new sheet metal on asap! After I pulled it out, the lower seam was loose, the spot welds must have broke already. It was T-boned right at the door/jamb area.

So it don't matter how far I cut it out? I was just thinking that the bigger the better, but I'm not sure.

Here's how mine was cut / replaced.




That's it.......

You can cut it a big as you want but I'd go no larger than the damaged area unless you want to do the whole quarter panel.

(dead links)

What is that picture of? Looks like a 4 door pick up.
That's my '02 Explorer Sport Trac 4x4.


Thanks! I was thinking I had to go over the door halfway and over and below the cargo window. That seems a lot less to do your way. :)

Good job on the Sport Trac also.

So did you get a new door, or will it still not open and close until you fix that panel?

The new door is on & working after I pulled the post out. B2guy got a door off a EB for me. Was in very good shape. I have to paint it still, just waiting for the body repair to be done.
