Best Way to run new speaker wire 98 XLT | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Best Way to run new speaker wire 98 XLT


January 6, 2005
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City, State
Billings Montana
Year, Model & Trim Level
98 XLT
Stock amp location for a 98 XLT

Does anyone know where the stock amp is located on a 98 xlt or is it in the head unit it self?

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pretty sure it's behind the sub enclosure in the right quarterpanel

FYI - when you edit your posts (as i am editing mine now), you cannot change the title - which means that the question you asked before, about rerouting new speaker wire, no longer exists but the title remains - and now you're asking about the amp.

Starting with '98 it was integrated in the HU.

why is it then i had to put a ground and a remote wire to the "stock amp" to make any sound come from the speakers this would lead me to belive that there is an external amp for the speakers.

but if the amp is in the head unit then that would lead me to belive that to wire the speakers directly into my aftermarket head unit i would just have to cut the wires from the factory wiring harnes and connect them to my head unit is this correct?

Save yourself many hours and buy an amp bypass harness.

I don't have an amp in my 98 xlt at least I don't think so, how would i be able to tell...I'm about to put a HU in on the weekend and the car audio guy mentioned nothing about a amp bypass harness and just gave me a normal Wiring harness

TJM623 said:
I don't have an amp in my 98 xlt at least I don't think so, how would i be able to tell...I'm about to put a HU in on the weekend and the car audio guy mentioned nothing about a amp bypass harness and just gave me a normal Wiring harness

Your '98 has the amp built inthe HU.

aldive said:
Your '98 has the amp built inthe HU.
So what's up with teet's?

Alright that's what i thought, but talk about the amp bypass harness and teet saying he's got one got me confused lol

I do have the amp bypass harness but the sound quality out of it is ****e i cant turn it up passed 14 out of 40 so i want to just wire them directly to the hu. but things just aren't makin much sence.

So you have an amp bypassed harness installed, but are wondering if you have an amp.. You're confusing me.

the harness i bought has both the bypass and regular harness on it the reason i think that there is a stock amp is the fact that i had to put a ground and a remote power to something I'm assuming it was an amp to make sound come out of the speakers. i think what i'm just gonna do is put all new speakers and speaker wire in this weekend and just run the the speakers to the deck and completly get rid of the stock audio setup that should take care of my headaches in that dept. hopefully i can get rid of the rest of them this weekend as i need to figure out some way to make my cd player stop skipping when a hard bass note hits. if anyone has thoughts on how to do this i would be more than happy to take any hints or suggestions anyone may have


A bypass harness plugs into the stock amp.. but from what you're saying it sounds like the HU ground and remote.. So your HU knows to turn on when the vehicle is it's got a remote wire, and everything requires a ground for power..

98 Wiring

CALL CRUTCHFIELD 1-800-CRUTCHFIELD. Tell them what x you drive and what you want to do. They will provide you w/ diagrams, etc. and they will even sell you any type of harness kit you may

huskyfan23 said:
A bypass harness plugs into the stock amp.. but from what you're saying it sounds like the HU ground and remote.. So your HU knows to turn on when the vehicle is it's got a remote wire, and everything requires a ground for power..

No my head unit comes on no matter what i dont need a remote wire connected to my head unit for it to work i had to one of my remote wires for my sub amp and the other remote wire to another blue wire for my sound to work this leads me to belive that there is another amp some where in the car. but as i said im am just going to put in new speakers and run new wire to my head unit that way i wont even have to worry about the stock system at all it will be completely aftermarket.

Well i dont think that i need to do anything more than what i did, i switched decks and everything is great. got rid of all my audio problems. i switched out my alpine for a panasonic the weird thing is it is a 4 year old panasonic compared to a brand new alpine that seems to work better( doesn't look like I'll be buyin an another alpine anytime soon. plus the panasonic looks cooler at night :) i think instead of buyin new speakers i will be investing my money in lighting and makin my pocket pc into a portable GPS for the X. thanks for all the help guys man do i love this forum.

Well I'll continue on ur legacy in this forum about amp problems because...I went to go put in my system yesterday ran all the wires, hooked up the wiring harness to the stock one...plugged it in and no sound just power. So I go look in the back because i had taken my cubby hole out to put my alpine amp in there and what do I see?? A little shiny metal man smiling at me ( A stock amp)...Here's the thing i've searched for what to do...and everyone says to by a harness to bypass (i don't want sh!tty sounding music), my question is can i just unplug the damn thing?? I was so frustrated last night about this stupid thing i nearly put a hole thru my window lol all day freezing my buns off to find out at 10:00 I can't finish because Ford put a little silver box in the back...Also I was thinking about really needs to make it more obvious as to what trim lines get what sound systems, because I looked through all my manuals and nowhere did it say I had an external amp...also 2 guys on here have already said it's in my HU, well I beg to differ the fooker is in the back of my truck :(

Sorry for the semi-rant I just needed to get that off my chest lol *I really just wanna get the damn thing in*

sounds similar to the problem i had at first getting my deck installed. there should be 2 black ground wires on your harness attach BOTH of those to the ground wire on your deck. also there are 2 blue wires one is the remote turn on for your stock amp and the other is for your power antenna BOTH of these along with your aftermarket amp remote needs to be connected to your blue remote wire on your deck. I'll bet ya a dollar it works. this was the same problem i had took me about a day to figure it out. Hope that helps.

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all my stock amplification is still in the back of the ex unused... maybe I'll take it out, blow it up, shoot it and light it on fire... then post pics if that will make you feel better :) (Ala Xplod thread lmao) I hate stock explorer stereos.
