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January 17, 2001
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1999 XLT
Have any of you guys used BG44? Opinions and thoughts welcomed.

From BG's website .....

BG 44K® Power Enhancer
#BG 44K® Power Enhancer safely, rapidly and thoroughly removes engine deposits in combustion chambers, intake manifolds, ports and on valves. It restores flow in fuel injectors and cleans the entire fuel system. BG 44K® Power Enhancer improves fuel economy and reduces exhaust emissions. It actually restores that “like new” driveability to an engine’s performance and keeps it running better, longer and more efficiently. Add one can or bottle to fuel tank at fill up. NOTE: After clean-up with BG 44K® Power Enhancer, regular use of BG Supercharge®II‚ Part No. 202‚ in gasoline engines or BG Diesel Fuel Conditioner with DPL‚ Part No. 2276‚ in diesel engines will prevent deposits from forming in the fuel system and upper engine for maximum driveability and fuel economy

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Fuel Additives

haha just being stupid:

Anyway, we use BG products at work. I have dumped one in my tank at around 63K miles and noticed a little change in fuel mileage -- but again, mine doesn't have a lot of build up on it as a 150K mile vehicle would. It is expensive, with my discount it was about 15 bucks. I like it a lot and I have seen it clean up some misfire issues.


I tried BG44 and observed no difference in the way the engine ran.

However, the tank of gas with the BG44 gave me 2 MPG less than normal. The next tank ( gas only ) yielded my normal mileage.

I will not use this product again.

Hey, Al.

I've never used the BG44K by itself, but we do use it as part of a 3-part fuel & induction cleaning that our mechanic does on our vehicles at about every 40,000 miles. (The 3 parts is running the stuff through the throttle body, running the cleaner at the injector rail, and a can of 44K in a full tank.) I've also seen it clean up a misfire issue on my wife's car. I never checked to see if a can of the stuff in the tank affected gas mileage.

When you experienced the gas mileage drop, did you use the same type & brand of gasoline from the same gas station at all fill-ups. I ask because even though I almost always use BP/Amoco in our cars, there is one regional gas station chain whose gas typically gives me a small gas mileage drop. (I've found out recently by reading the very fine print on their pumps that their fuels are 10% ethanol, so that might have an effect on the gas mileage when I've used them.)

we sell it here at work, and i hardly ever put it into vehicles... so i dont have much expereince with it, alot of the BG chemicals are great though

I use the same gas, BP/Amoco, from the same station.

I have always heard nothing but good about this product. I do not understand the mileage decrease, Any ideas?

No idea other than the reason it might have been noticeably helpful in my wife's car is that her car is almost exclusively used for puttering around in town and seldom sees the highway.

You use the BP/Amoco fuels, too, huh. All of my relatives who work for BP thank you. :) (Not the ONLY reason why I use their fuels, BTW.)

My Dad had 4 Amoco stations and I once owned one ( sold it, thank God ).

a customer came in one time with a tahoe or something similar with a misfire once in awhile - put the bg44 in it and it cleared it. The 2mpg loss though, i dont' know about that



what were you expecting to happen? Did you have any issues from fuel system buildup prior to use? I am guessing you saw no change in performance because performance was fine to begin with??

aldive said:
I have always heard nothing but good about this product. I do not understand the mileage decrease, Any ideas?

Cooler weather? Even where you live I'm sure it's a little cooler than summer. But 2 mpg is a lot of decrease for you. The BG44 must have had something to do with it, or else you let your son drive your truck.

You probably didn't see any improvements over normal, because you reguraly clean your engine with Seafoam. As for the decrease, i cannot fathom why that would happen.
