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Biggest tire


Well-Known Member
December 9, 2011
Reaction score
City, State
Bainbridge Georgia
Year, Model & Trim Level
2001 Sport Trac
i have a 01 sport trac 2 wheel drive no lift but im thinking of doing a tt and shackle lift whats the biggest mud terrain tire i can go with with and without the lift

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With lift...


No lift...
31s, maybe 32s

LONO100 has a thread showing you how to fit 33"s with just a shackle and TT lift. You'd have to do some trimming to fit them without the lift, just as ^^Hugh did to fit 35's but its not too bad, i dont believe.

At the time when I had torsion bars i ran 33's. you can twist the bolts as far as they can go. The only thing i faced was the trimming of the inner fender well (Tupperware...) just like tmac said. You can do a body lift and Tt and shackles and squeeze 35s. But if you don't want rub issues just do a tt and shackles then you should fit 32s without rub. A body lift Tt and shackles you can probably run 33s without rub.

*tmac you'd have to come back to irmo so we can talk trucks!

At the time when I had torsion bars i ran 33's. you can twist the bolts as far as they can go.

Only because he is a 2wd, dont want you to get the wrong impression, 01STrac. Don't try this with a 4wd truck. They say 2" is the cutoff for 4wd's with the Torsion bars.

*tmac you'd have to come back to irmo so we can talk trucks!

I know!! Do you ever come down to the florence/sumter area? I don't make it up to Cola much now that me and the girl split. It'd be great to meet you and the ol' Trac lol. Oh, and you like my tires?

I haven't seen the truck with the tires on! And unfortunately I don't do too many trips down that way. I've got a few new things on the truck now from when you saw it before. I'm still going to school up here so I never have time to really do much. More times then not I'm working at the ice cream shop next to the theater. Go find you a new honey so you got an excuse to come up here! Lol

Haha, well if I find out I'm heading that way, ill be sure to contact you, and look in the Lifted thread, a page or two back!
