Body lift & manual shifter: Need a little help with shifter measurements. | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body lift & manual shifter: Need a little help with shifter measurements.


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Elite Explorer
August 1, 2008
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If anyone has done a manual trans swap with a 3" body lift, I am needing a measurement of just how much the shifter has lowered.

A measurement from the knob to the floorboard with the shifter in the straight vertical position is needed to get a custom shifter boot made for my full size console. We are just not sure the shifter will be a full 3" shorter. While it is not imperative to be dead on, it will be nice to have it as close as possible.

I have to travel 180 miles for my trans swap and am needing my boot before I make the journey in 2 weeks.

Here is the mod being done (but in black)

Thanks for any help.

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We are just not sure the shifter will be a full 3" shorter.
It will be a full 0-inches shorter - because you are going to cut the shifter and splice in a 3" piece of tube at the base to get it back to the original hand position.

Issue solved - thread closed.


That'll result in more knob movement when you shift as well, could be crazy. You might be able to lengthen the other end of the shifter as well to get stock or even shorter shifting. i know honda shifters can be done like that, but maybe not fords...

I can see no reason why the shifter would be anything other than 3 inches closer to the floor after adding the lift spacers.

Lastly, I do not appreciate firefox asking me to capitalize 'honda' and 'firefox' but not 'ford'....

That'll result in more knob movement when you shift as well, could be crazy.
S'ok s'ok - he's a "real man", not a "girly man" who prefers 1-inch shifter movements :p:.

You might be able to lengthen the other end of the shifter as well to get stock or even shorter shifting. i know honda shifters can be done like that, but maybe not fords...
Thats probably cauz the Hondas have long a shifter bracket/assembly that connects the shifter to the trans - i.e. its not a direct shifter-to-trans setup like most rear-wheel drive transmissions.


Hmm, looks like I will just have the boot made for a shifter that is 3" shorter than stock.

I really don't want the shifter lengthen any, would prefer a short throw shifter if I could afford one. From what I understand the Hurst shifter is the only aftermarket shifter made for the M5OD. :(

Thanks guys.
