Body & Suspension Lift for 99' XLT 2WD | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Body & Suspension Lift for 99' XLT 2WD


Well-Known Member
April 6, 2007
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City, State
Cape Coral, FL
Year, Model & Trim Level
99' Explorer XLS
I am aware that Pro-Comp makes a body lift kit for my truck, but I was wondering if there is a company that makes a 100% bolt-on suspension lift kit. Please bear in mind that I do not own a 4x4. My truck is a 2WD XLT. Thanks for the support guys!

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yes, there are 3" spindles for your truck, that with 3" of TT and SOA will give you about a 6" suspension lift. And i was not aware of a BL made for the second gen explorer, all the bl's are ranger kits for the 3" adapted over or for the 2" the first gen explorer kit.

Performance Accessories (PA) makes body lifts for Rangers that fit Explorers but you have to fab your own bumper brackets.

Performance Accessories (PA) makes body lifts for Rangers that fit Explorers but you have to fab your own bumper brackets.

Thanks for the valuable info guys. For my 99' will I need the #883 or the #853 kit? I have a machine shop at work and should be able to make the brackets no sweat. Thanks?

You need #883.

883 and no extras other than maybe some bolts.. The bumper brackets in the kit are the correct ones.
