Brake Analysis - What will Ford say? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brake Analysis - What will Ford say?


Well-Known Member
February 9, 2001
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City, State
Cleveland, OH
Year, Model & Trim Level
'99 XLT
I'm taking my '99 XLT 4WD into the Ford dealership next week to fix a rattle and get a factory recall (seat bolt) fixed. I have 69,000 miles and have never done one thing to the brakes, and figured it would be good to know the condition of the brakes. I've never heard any squealing, they work well, but sometimes they sound a little "rough" when braking hard.

I don't know much about brakes, but am a little familiar with pads, rotors, and calipers. Based on what I've indicated, what's the lifetime of the above components, especially the rotors and the calipers? In case Ford says "replace everything", I'd like to get more info from experienced folks like yourselves.


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If you're easy on them, the front pads are probably ready to be replaced. The rotors should be turned to get a nice even surface, the rears might still have plenty of meat on them since most of the braking power is in the front.

Drums and rotors can be turned serveral times before you exceed minimum thickness (rotors) and maximum diameter (ID of drums). It depends on the shop doing the lathing and how much they have to take off to remove things like heat checking, warping or excessive runout.

If you have never had a brake job since new, it should only be pads, shoes and lathing rotors and drums.

good luck:D

Great, thanks for the advice. We'll see what Ford says. Any idea of rough guesstimate on price?

Probably a hundred for the front and another hundred for the rear. They should give you a lifetime guaranty on the pads and shoes.

There are many reputable places that do brake jobs. I reccomend getting prices from at least 2 different shops other than Ford dealers.

I had a Goodyear shop tell me my rotors couldn't be turned cause they would be out of spec. The Mitsubishi dealer I take my wifes car to has done 2 brake jobs since then and truned the rotors both times.

It pays to shop around.

Good info - hopefully I won't get "rotored" :)
