Albino's about to get busier with Abby's half sister Gail | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Albino's about to get busier with Abby's half sister Gail

Albino 94LTD

Recovering from Moab 2016
Elite In Memoriam
June 24, 2003
Reaction score
City, State
Newcastle Wa
Year, Model & Trim Level
White 94 Limited
First off, this forum rocks! :thumbsup:

I'va had my X for about 5 years now and until I found this forum, I was content to drive a completely stock vehicle. Then came the infection. Most of you already have it and those that don't, will.

The serious part started after setting up a run in the Tahuya Forest, Feb 2004. We only ended up with 3 explorers (jrgaylor, dreamr and Albino) and Joe was kind enough to guide us around areas that would be challenging to a stock X. I was amazed and I think Dreamr was too.

Over that summer we decided to get a new boat that was considerable heavier than our first and this forum lead me to be concerned for the longevity of my tranny. Rusult, a temp/filter mount and associated temp guage

Along with a second aux cooler.

Dreamr and I met Arsoul last winter and played around Reiter Pit and the 'stockness' showed, as Dreamr had already gone to 33's.

My wife and I came to an agreement that she could get her teeth whitened and Lasik for her eyes and I could spend the equivelent as I saw fit and the new kitchen would wait for a couple years.

Winter brought cold leather seats and I am disgusted with the cheap sheepskin covers. I found some info here about installing aftermarket seat heaters. $85 and 4hrs per seat later, we both have warm butts :thumbsup: The wire ties replace the origonal hogs rings.


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white teeth and lasik??? you could go full blown SAS will all the fixins!

Next came numerous conversation with Bryce and Joe about various methods of lift and the decision was the James Duff stage 1 2.5" kit. (which I sent to a local powder coat shop to make them white :D ) I opted for a whole new 3" lift leaf pack instead of the shackles and AAL's (sold them to Greenbeer)

Joe was kind enough to offer to 'rub out those rivets' and I eagerly accepted and drove 2 hours South on a Tuesday evening. This would make installing the lift a much easier task.

I started by taking the sway bars off on Thursday evening so I could paint them ----- (guess ;) )

Friday evening I pulled the shocks off the rear and hit all the bolts with WD40 for the second or third time in preparation for a long Saturday.

Dreamr offered to come over after his significant other woke up from a night with the girls and again I accepted the generosity of fellow X owners.

I started at 9am and had the rear complete (sway bar and everything) by 10:30. The only difficulty I had was Carrier put the spring pack bolt on top in stead of the bottom. 10 mintues with a dremel grinder and the bolts were round and the axel sat right down.

Next was the RA drop brackets. I had both of them on and was torqueing (sp) them down when Bryce showed up around 12:45.

We proceeded to the axel pivot brackets, then the new springs, new shocks (oh by the way, after the generous ride with Joe at Evans Creek, I opted for Rancho RS9000X's for thier adjustability over the JD shocks (there's another story there). Last was reinstalling the front sway bar.

We went around all the parts and pieces and re torqued them, popped a barley pop, looked at the clock and it had just past 5 :thumbsup:

Thanks tons Jrgaylor (Joe) and Dreamr (Bryce)


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whooops, i guess i caught you btween posting the two deals, sorry bout that. the white lift parts look good.

No worries, just adds to my hit count ;)

Gotta keep with the Albino theme.

I put the seat heater switch next to the Lumbar switch.


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Nice :)

When I went to Starbucks this morning, I discovered the toe in was WAY off, especially the left side. :(

So, a little string ;) , a few turns on the adjuster barrel :eek: and we're driving straight. At least long enough for the suspension to settle before getting an alignment.

Toe adj 2.JPG

Toe adj 1.JPG

It looks even prettier in person than the pics :D

I chuckled when Phil said he was powder coating it all white, but in the end it looks really nice!!!

Thanks for the pics Phil, now I can prove that I was working on a steel mistress rather than a fleshy one ;) j/k The grease all over my arms was proof enough I suppose if she even doubted me. It's odd how relationships work. I have no concerns when she goes out to play, but man do I ever have a lot of questions to answer if I dissapear for a day or two :confused:

I'm not too surprised that your toe was out a ways. I thought it looked a little off when you were pulling up nose to nose with my ex, but I figured you would be getting an alignment soon anyway.

So now we have to go test her out!!! :navajo:

Good job.

How exactally how do you check you toe with that string method? I wanna try it. I know Im off.


Looks good P, :thumbsup:

Ryan1 said:
Good job.

How exactally how do you check you toe with that string method? I wanna try it. I know Im off.

Center your steering wheel, loop a length of string around the rear wheel and run it forward around the front wheel. It will work better if you string both sides at the same time.

Now look at how the string contacts the front tire. In the first pic, i'm nuetral (string touches front and back of front tire) if your toe out, the string won't touch the back of the tire. If your toe in, the string will bend around the back of the tire (which you want a little bit)

Make some adjustments, unlock your steering ( don't need to turn the engine on) and rock it back and forth a few times then recenter it. (unless you have caster pads like the alignment shop). :thumbsup: :navajo:

makes more sense now. Thank you, im going to give it a shot.


well before the front was done :rolleyes:


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Honey, look what followed me home!

Can we keep it??


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next time we go wheelin', just bring the boat with you so you can keep up!

arsoul said:
next time we go wheelin', just bring the boat with you so you can keep up!
I have a Sevylor kayak that's more appropriate for hanging with you :p

dreamr said:
That's funny :D

So when are we all going to go out again to try out Albino's new suspension.
I am in desperate need of a new wheel bearing/hub assembly, but I think it can handle a bit more abuse before I dish out the 200+.

200+ boy you are going all out :D

What was the outcome of the explorer BBQ as far as a explorer trail ride/outing?

jrgaylor said:
200+ boy you are going all out :D

What was the outcome of the explorer BBQ as far as a explorer trail ride/outing?

Heck the cheapest assembly I can find is 210 plus shipping :rolleyes:
I was hoping to avoid the expense by procrastinating till the axle swap is done, but it's getting pretty loud so I guess I'll have to get a new one under there before next winter. Preferablly before my camping/play season gets in full swing. I have a used spare, but it's not a lot better so a new one it is.

Hmm that's right we were planning a Naches run weren't we :p
I think I was supposed to spend a bit of time up there this spring and find a good base camp as well as scope out some of the easy trails ( with my backpack not my rig so no worries ;) ).

If I remember correctly Phil was going to look into some good mapping of the area, and uh........ I don't remember what else. We could really use a couple of guides (mild trails and wild trails).

I think Diff Whack Daddy was interested but needs to go before the end of June as he will be leaving the country. From what I have read though it likely won't be open till early July unless we play on the Eastern side.

We all know my pansy attitude about Body Damage, but I would kinda like to head over the wagon route..................

I had hoped to have my Buddy's Toyota SAS done by then to test out, but the way he's slacking on the parts, it'll be a long time on that project. Mine will likely have a solid axle first. :rolleyes:

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jrgaylor said:
200+ boy you are going all out :D

What was the outcome of the explorer BBQ as far as a explorer trail ride/outing?
We were way to busy stuffing our faces to even talk about it.

Sounds like the three of us are racing to be more trailworthy by then. ;)

Wait a minute, you're dragging me off topic,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,and it's MY thread :mad:
