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Brake Pads:


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December 27, 2001
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X'ing 4x4
Brake pads:

Semi-Metallic -vs- Ceramic

Which one of these are the recommend one to put on our X's?

What's really the difference between these 2 materials? One stops better then the other? Last longer? No brake dust?

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A good rule of thumb is, if you can lock your tires with stock pads, you have little to gain from high-end materials in normal driving.

Any one experience with Bendix TitaniuMetallic brake pads??

If you do any towing, pass on the ceramic pads. Ceramic pads fade under heavy load. They work great on my car, but I wouldn't put them on my X because I tow.

i've also heard bad things about the ceramics

buddy of mine got them for cheap through were he worked, now his rims have that lovely coat of dust on them, looks like crap,

i pick up a 20 dollar set from advanced auto or fleet farm and have no problems :D

I like carbon metallic pads. They stop well, and are quiet. Those who don't like them say carbon metallic pads will wear your rotors, but I have not seen this happen. On my truck they last about 30,000 miles.

I just installed the Bendix TitaniuMetallic brake pads front and rear on my 2000 sport 4x4. These cost approximately $40 a pair and have a lifetime warranty. These are very good quality brake pads and work well. I'd recommend these Bendix.

Metallic. The more the better, especially since we can't use asbestos in our pads anymore.


Depending upon the manufacturer ceramic pads can leave a deposition on the brake rotor that mimics rotor warpage. This is one of the larger errant warranty claim issues that Ford processes.

Thank you guys. I plan on getting the Bendix pads from Advance today. Yee haw!!

I got the Morse Ceramics from AutoZone. They are virtually dust-free but I have had problems with squeaking. After speaking with Morse they said that the anti-squeal coating I sprayed is interfering with the shim bond to the rotor. I already replaced the fronts once from AutoZone so I'm hesitant to go back in for a whole new set :(. If I can get the squeaking to stop they would be awesome.

i just picked up the Morse Ceramics from Autozone as well this weekend for my brake overhaul. No complaints yet....but it's only been a couple days since the install. I replaced the rotors, calipers & pads so i didn't use the spray "anti-squeal," just the lube in the packets. We'll see how it turns out.

Rhett said:
I like carbon metallic pads. They stop well, and are quiet. Those who don't like them say carbon metallic pads will wear your rotors, but I have not seen this happen. On my truck they last about 30,000 miles.
Good advise. Just stay away from the bottom dollar cheap kind.THOSE squeek!

BuffaloXplorer said:
i just picked up the Morse Ceramics from Autozone as well this weekend for my brake overhaul. No complaints yet....but it's only been a couple days since the install. I replaced the rotors, calipers & pads so i didn't use the spray "anti-squeal," just the lube in the packets. We'll see how it turns out.

Did yours have the shims? That was the problem with mine - the anti-sqeak spray allowed the shims to drift on the pad. I called the guy at Morse and he was one of those brake-nuts. I spoke to him for about 20 minutes and got a lot of great information. Its nice to see that some people are passionate about their jobs.

Don't worry about taking them back to Autozone, assuming you don't get help from someone thats having a bad hair day they should swap them out for you no problem. All you have to do is tell them they are squeeking and you'd like to try a different set and there shouldn't be a problem. If worse comes to worse tell them that you replaced your rotors and you'd like new pads to go with them.

All in all its pretty easy to return stuff at autozone, they are very lenient. I should know, i return stuff there all day and get paid for it :p

Problem is that I returned the set already - and a set of rotors. It wasn't until I spoke with Morse that I found the problem was with the anti-squeak spray. So I've been there twice on this problem before. They had no helpful information to offer me but this could go one way or the other. Should they have specified NOT to use the spray or should I have known not to?

My rear brake squeak when I reverse out of my driveway in the morning now too - arrg.

Pehaps I should go to another AutoZone?

Well, actually, we were never informed by anyone that the Morse pads were not intended to be used with any sort of spray on them. Now, whether that is Autozone's fault cause they want to sell the spray or Morse's fault for not informing Autozone of this I don't know. Most all Autozone's are going to recommend the spray or the small $0.99 packets with any brakes because that is what we are trained to do. I have personally informed my coworkers of this issues and they no longer recommend it with the morse pads but i would assume the majority of autozones do not know this and were never informed.

I'll have to use your argument if they give me any flack!

Ya know, it would have been so much easier if Morse put the shims on at the factory. What is the advantage to not doing that? I guess that's why I felt I had to use the anti-squeal spray because if there was supposed to be no coating between them why not put them on the pads?????

I must say though that other than the sqeaking the pads are awesome. I can stop my 5000 lbs. truck and still have 1/2 way more peddle travel. I never really have to press the brakes that hard unlike I used to. Also the no-dust is great..however I'm now lapsing much longer between washings as a result :D

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spta97 said:
Did yours have the shims? That was the problem with mine - the anti-sqeak spray allowed the shims to drift on the pad. I called the guy at Morse and he was one of those brake-nuts. I spoke to him for about 20 minutes and got a lot of great information. Its nice to see that some people are passionate about their jobs.

Yeah, mine came with the self-adhesive shims. I sprayed the pads down with brake parts cleaner and slapped 'em on. I still don't think i've got'em bled enough. The pedal travels 1/2 way before i get brake action, but i've never had trouble stopping. I was solo and didn't have anyone to close the bleeder valve while the pedal was pressed. Basically, they're just gravity-bled.

However, i haven't really had the truck since doing the brakes. Just had the flowmaster installed yesterday :thumbsup: but have it at the tranny shop having the front driveshaft replaced :thumbdwn: We'll see how it goes from here.
