brakes???? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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December 14, 2002
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02 sport trac
ok so i spent about an ahour and a half bleeding the brakes...went from rear pass side to rear drivers side then ft pass side then drivers side front... i used synthetc (vlvoline syn power) was clear and i figured easier so i know when all the old was out. there is no brown fluid in the system whatever. i went through two big jugs of the stuff...why does my brake pedal still travel so far and why does it still feel knd of spongy? i figured the pedal would feel firmer...let mw know what you all think...

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i allwyas had the same problem with my explorer. i replaced everything short of the master cylinder before giving up. the only thing that i didnt try is bench bleeding the master cylinder, so that would be my suggestion. it explains how to do it in a haynes manual, otherwise im sure there is probally a write up on it here somewhere. if you do a search, youll probally get something. good luck man

Man! I have the same EXACT problem! I was planning on replacing the brake master cylender and front brake pads and bleeding the brakes. I hope that helps. It will be two weeks before I can get my mechanic to make a house call.

I will get a hold of you when I'm done to see how it turned out.

I have replaced every brake part on my X and the pedal STILL feels spongy. AHHHH

What I have replaced:

Front brake lines
Front rotors, pads, etc
Front calipers
Rear shoes, springs, etc
Rear brake cylinders
Master cylinder
Flushed all fluid (several times)

Still spongy if you ask me.

Good luck cuz I have pretty much given up.

Originally posted by MyExpWork
I have replaced every brake part on my X and the pedal STILL feels spongy. AHHHH

What I have replaced:

Front brake lines
Front rotors, pads, etc
Front calipers
Rear shoes, springs, etc
Rear brake cylinders
Master cylinder
Flushed all fluid (several times)

Still spongy if you ask me.

Good luck cuz I have pretty much given up.

i second that

If the pedal still goes too far to the floor (but works once its down there).... check to make sure your rear brakes are adjusted correctly.

On our '92 X, one of the auto adjuster is stuck... so it won't adjust.. Every few months I manually adjust it which bring the pedal back up..

I'll fix it when I replace the shoes, its just an anoyance to have to manually adjust it.


i beleve (though i have never tried) you can adjust the back brakes by backing up slowly and riding the brakes ...something like that ..not even sure where i heard it. but it kinda makes sense.

i odnt have access to an owners manual, but im pretty sure there something about it in there, and yeah, it is goofy like that

When the adjuster work... they adjust when you backup and HIT the brakes AND when you use the parking brake..... BUT if they aren't working...

There is a whole (has a rubber plug in it) at the bottom of the inside of the brake drum...

take out the plug.. put in a flat blade screwdriver (or a brake spoon if you have it).. and you are trying to push the little star wheel in there up.. (e.g. aim the screwdriver down as you put it in.. feel the starwheel then tip the tip of the screwdriver up).

