Brother buying 05 explorer - What to look for | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brother buying 05 explorer - What to look for


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March 14, 2013
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99 VW Passat
My brother wants me to go with him to look at/drive an 05 Explorer later this morning. I have car knowledge, but little Ford or Explorer experience. What are the main things, obvious or little, to look for. Just wanted to know if these vehicles are prone to certain problems I should look for ie. bad wheel bearings, axle boots, etc. Just don't want to go in clueless if at all possible.

Thanks for all replies.

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There is a long list of nuisance items but wheel bearings, weak transmissions, timing chain rattle, and rear end hum/howl seem to be the biggest and most costly known issues with the 3rd Gen (up to 2005) Explorers.

Also check to make sure you don't have a broken rear spring...

Rear hatch panel cracked below the window. More nuisance if anything but might knock a few bucks off if it is...


If you're not in a hurry, look for a V8. Stronger everything important and virtually the same MPG.

There is a long list of nuisance items but wheel bearings, weak transmissions, timing chain rattle, and rear end hum/howl seem to be the biggest and most costly known issues with the 3rd Gen (up to 2005) Explorers.

What is the fix for the rear end hum/howl?

The pinion seals leak.
Outside air door comes apart.
Blend door actuator
Some have head gasket problems
Mine has had window switches go bad

When they get over 100,000 miles they will nickel and dime you and occasionally take a quarter or fifty cents.

As much as i enjoy my exploder, i have one piece of advice : STAY AWAY FROM BUYING ONE! they may have a few nice qualities and will handle virtually any road conditions you can throw at them with ease, (trust me, ive taken mine through places an explorer should never go) but the list of flaws they have goes on for miles. mine only has 110,000 miles and i just bought it a couple months ago but ive already replaced the transmission, all 4 wheel bearings, starter, and had various electrical problems. like i said i love my explorer, but they have their flaws

Thanks for all the advice. I will look into all of that. And as with any car, you are inevitably going to have to replace parts, just wanted to know which to look for first. (I own a VW Passat so I know all about replacing parts) Anyway, he has a 1998 exploder (as he also calls it) right now and is dead set on getting another one. Thanks for all replies and I'll pass the word onto him.

As much as i enjoy my exploder, i have one piece of advice : STAY AWAY FROM BUYING ONE! they may have a few nice qualities and will handle virtually any road conditions you can throw at them with ease, (trust me, ive taken mine through places an explorer should never go) but the list of flaws they have goes on for miles. mine only has 110,000 miles and i just bought it a couple months ago but ive already replaced the transmission, all 4 wheel bearings, starter, and had various electrical problems. like i said i love my explorer, but they have their flaws

You say you have taken it through all those road conditions and you have only had it for a couple months???
Mine has over 400,000 on it and yes it has had the trans replaced and the wheel bearings the diff is a little noisy but other than that it's great... Oh wait there is a few rips developing in the drivers side leather seat...damn... They are a great vehicle this is my 5th one and will buy another when I retire this one (or modify it for off road like the maintain them and they are great, drive the piss out of them and don't look after them and they, like any vehicle, will let you down...
