Brush Guards for my '92 Explorer | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Brush Guards for my '92 Explorer

Audio Warlock

November 22, 2000
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Hey Everybody,

I have a 1992 Explorer, Tan(Moca to be exact), and I have been looking at getting some Brush Guards for it. First of all I would like to know whether I should get Black or Chrome brush guards.Second, should I get the front brush guard as well as the tail light brush gurds? And maybe if you know any websites you could send them to me.
I appreciate it.

Audio Warlock

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It all depends on what you want. Check Dead Link Removed for several different photos and prices on them.

I would say black because I think it is easier to take care of. If you want some pics of my brushguard and tail light guards, go to my website in my signature or browse my photopoint album list The tail light guards are not really necessary. I got mine because I think they "look cool" and I am always afraid of backing into something and cracking them.

Originally posted by Brian1
I would say black because I think it is easier to take care of. If you want some pics of my brushguard and tail light guards, go to my website in my signature or browse my photopoint album list The tail light guards are not really necessary. I got mine because I think they "look cool" and I am always afraid of backing into something and cracking them.

Thanks for the advice guys, I appreciate it. Yea, my friends said I should get the black ones so I know now that is what I will go with. Thanks!

Peace Out,
Audio Warlock crome
View black
