Bumper Bracket Bolt Size? | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Bumper Bracket Bolt Size?


Explorer Addict
February 13, 2002
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It is always the easy stuff.........................

The carriage bolts that attach the bumper to the bumper brackets.........are the nuts 18mm? 11/16 too small, 3/4 too big. 17mm too small, 19mm too big.

Stupid question I guess. But in 28 years, I have never had the use for a 18mm, wasn't even sure they made them. 17 and 19 are pretty typical and most kits have these.........but 18mm?

It is always the easy stuff.....................

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I'm pretty sure that's the size I use.

yup its an 18 millimeter.... i am a mechanic, so i have the odd sizes too... did you know you can remove most wheel lock sets with a 12 point deep wall 1/2" drive socket and a breaker bar and a hammer? 18 mm is a good size to have :) i think i got mine in a set at harbor frieght.....

a lot of bolts/nuts are 18mm with the stock shock system for both 1st and 2nd gen..

Many cars on the road today use nearly all metric.
It is well worth your wile to get a nice 2/8 drive metric set.
I recomend Sunex. Strong as you ever need, I have NEVER broken one. I don't know how they stay in business selling them as cheap as they do.
