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calipper size


January 6, 2009
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I would like to know the size of the screw that hold the calipper of a 2001 FORD EXPLORER 4.0 v6.


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Front or rear? If front size likely listed in this thread. Red threadlock highly recommended and factory torque spec 98 ft/lbs.
Tighten your caliper bracket bolts! | Ford Explorer and Ford Ranger Forums - Serious Explorations,caliper+bracket+mounting+bolt,13055
I dont think i explain myself. I goint to change the front brake pads and the bolt i mean is the one that i could lift the caliper to change the brake pads. the one that have the small rubber boot in between.

That bolt is called a caliper pin bolt (or slide pin bolt). It's special, but you can buy one at any auto parts store. It will be found under the category of brake hardware. I highly do not recommend using a standard bolt for that application.

When installing, grease the body of the bolt with hi temp synthetic brake grease, use blue Loctite on the threads and torque the bolt to around 30 ft lbs.

That bolt is called a caliper pin bolt (or slide pin bolt). It's special, but you can buy one at any auto parts store. It will be found under the category of brake hardware. I highly do not recommend using a standard bolt for that application.

When installing, grease the body of the bolt with hi temp synthetic brake grease, use blue Loctite on the threads and torque the bolt to around 30 ft lbs.
Thanks for the info.
