Can not see info center in daylight | Ford Explorer Forums - Serious Explorations

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Can not see info center in daylight



The information center in my 2002 Eddie Bauer Explorer works fine except in daylight it is difficult to read. (At night it is fine). Is it just my old eyes or is there any way to correct?

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the low light is the same for the whole interior(speedometer, Radio etc) or the problem is only in the message center?

i know that in second generation is a switch who controls the interior lights on the left side of the steering wheel. i don't know if they have it on the third generation, but is a good start.

make sure that you turn off the headlights to get more light in the interior.

Welcome to the forum! Sometimes heat and sun can burn the LCD screen up. Making it look dim, or no screen at all. If this happens, you can't fix it. (That I know of anyway!) You just have to replace it.

My uncle has an '02 Eddie Bauer and commented about the same thing when I talked to him the other weekend. Must be something the later models have corrected, because mine is fine in bright sunlight or any other time.

I drove an '02 before I bought mine, and never really paid attention to it. That was the only '02 that I ever drove.

I have the same problem with my 03 Mountaineer and my daughters 02 Eddie Bauer. I just cannot see the info centers in either one in the daytime. The old eyes are not what they used to be but the info centers are really dim in my opinion. At night - no problem :)
